399sophiam » Shared Projects (42)
semester exam by 399sophiam
helicopter game by 399sophiam
math game quiz by 399sophiam
number guessing game by 399sophiam
draw a rainbow by 399sophiam
make a play by 399sophiam
Paper,Rock,Scissors by 399sophiam
Make a character move randomly by 399sophiam
A short scratch story by 399sophiam
iteration by 399sophiam
drawing a house by 399sophiam
drawing a flower with eight petals by 399sophiam
drawing a flower pt.3 by 399sophiam
drawing flower pt.2 by 399sophiam
drawing a flower by 399sophiam
drawing a flower by 399sophiam
drawing a star pt. 2 by 399sophiam
drawing a star by 399sophiam
Drawing a spinning square by 399sophiam
bigger and bigger shape by 399sophiam
drawing with dots pt.3 by 399sophiam
drawing with dots pt.2 by 399sophiam
drawing with dots pt. 1 by 399sophiam
flappy bat by 399sophiam
drawing with coordinates by 399sophiam
game of tag pt.1 by 399sophiam
playing a scale by 399sophiam
playing every other note by 399sophiam
Untitled-5 by 399sophiam
countdown by 399sophiam
electric keyboard by 399sophiam
changing tempo speed by 399sophiam
pentagon by 399sophiam
triangle by 399sophiam
square by 399sophiam
stair case by 399sophiam
dotted line by 399sophiam
one-circle by 399sophiam
circles by 399sophiam
draw by 399sophiam
make a song by 399sophiam
Race Car program by 399sophiam