Student of: 6A2 LSTS 2324 Scratcher Joined 1 year, 2 months ago Vietnam
About me
Hello, I'm Dat and this is my scratch account that my school made!
What I'm working on
I'm making games for people to play and I hope it will make people feel happier.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (34)
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Time-2306023A2-LSTS by 2306023A2
2306023_Đồng hồ số_LSTS by 2306023A2
Geometry dash by 2306023A2
Time-2306023A2-LSTS by 2306023A2
pen by 2306023A2
Learning English_LSTS by 2306023A2
Say but in a better way by 2306023A2
Miner by 2306023A2
Untitled-2 by 2306023A2
Dodge the bullet by 2306023A2
Guessing number by 2306023A2
Geomertry wave! by 2306023A2
caculate perimeter and area by 2306023A2
ask question by 2306023A2
plus by 2306023A2
boxing machine by 2306023A2
Lucky money by 2306023A2
Untitled-3 by 2306023A2
lucky money on Tết day by 2306023A2
happy new year by 2306023A2
Favorite Projects
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Untitled-14 by 2306085A2
Time-2306023A2-LSTS by 2306023A2
Geometry dash by 2306023A2
Time-2306023A2-LSTS by 2306023A2
pen by 2306023A2
Say but in a better way by 2306023A2
Miner by 2306023A2
Geomertry wave! by 2306023A2
caculate perimeter and area by 2306023A2
ask question by 2306023A2
plus by 2306023A2
boxing machine by 2306023A2
Battle remix by 2306023A2
Lucky money by 2306023A2
Untitled-3 by 2306023A2
lucky money on Tết day by 2306023A2
happy new year by 2306023A2
Battle by 2306085A2
The unlucky toucan by 2306023A2
soccer by dinhtienhung
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