2121Scratch » Shared Projects (145)
Google Snake! by 2121Scratch
Space Blocker by 2121Scratch
Pong Starter (Class Project) by 2121Scratch
The Amazing Digital Scratch Circus! by 2121Scratch
Add yourself fighting over ROBLOX Gift Card: The Revenge to the Revenge by 2121Scratch
Paper Mario Fight by 2121Scratch
Windows 2000 Simulator with Shutdown by 2121Scratch
Hey Hacker! by 2121Scratch
FireOS by 2121Scratch
GLO CD by 2121Scratch
Nintendo Nitro by 2121Scratch
Scratch Cat 2K24 by 2121Scratch
Don't Stop The Project. by 2121Scratch
2121Scratch by 2121Scratch
Untitled-65 by 2121Scratch
Tile Scrolling Mario by 2121Scratch
Windows xD by 2121Scratch
DVD Simulator by 2121Scratch
If you lose, you're banned! by 2121Scratch
Chess remix by 2121Scratch
YPPAH EDIRP by 2121Scratch
Setup for macOS High Orchestra by 2121Scratch
Interactiville! (V1.4.3) (WIP) remix by 2121Scratch
macOS High Orchestra by 2121Scratch
|| Its Me Or The PS4 || by 2121Scratch
H.A.Y Meme Template by 2121Scratch
griffpatch 2D by 2121Scratch
griffpatch 3D by 2121Scratch
pop :Ludam Dare 49 by 2121Scratch
Nano's Hobby (Game) neutral ending remix by 2121Scratch
!esaelpP drowssaP by 2121Scratch
XGIMI Blue Edition 1.0 by 2121Scratch
DON'T STOP THE PROJECT remix by 2121Scratch
SORB OIRAM REPUS but the right way round... by 2121Scratch
XGIMI 1.0 by 2121Scratch
Key Catcher XGIMI Version by 2121Scratch
Happy Birthday, Scratch! by 2121Scratch
POP! Version 2 by 2121Scratch
POP! Version 1 by 2121Scratch
Key Catcher Prototype by 2121Scratch
PS3 by 2121Scratch
YOUR BOSS IS CALLING #animation by 2121Scratch
It happened. remix by 2121Scratch
(laggy) Intro for U by 2121Scratch
100 Projects!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by 2121Scratch
Untitled-99 by 2121Scratch
RLGL by 2121Scratch
clicher (I have no English) by 2121Scratch
Fulgate OS - v1.6 by 2121Scratch
Computer 2000 Part 5 #animations remix by 2121Scratch
Computer 2000 Part 5 #animations remix by 2121Scratch
cmd.exe by 2121Scratch
Nano makes a fake report card. Ultimate grounded. remix by 2121Scratch
Only smart people can solve this! remix by 2121Scratch
H.E.Y.! Meme Template remix by 2121Scratch
Red Light Green Light by 2121Scratch
AI ASSISTANT SCRATCH | Virtual Assistant | Alex AI by 2121Scratch
3FA for your projects by 2121Scratch
dont stop this project - a game remix by 2121Scratch