Student of: Room 20 (ended) Scratcher Joined 5 years, 5 months ago Australia
About me
nothing interesting
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your mother
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (80)
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d by 20-Avocado
CATS (bruh) by 20-Avocado
scratch cat vs scratch cat remake by 20-Avocado
terrible remix by 20-Avocado
joystick game (mobile only) by 20-Avocado
Button Clicker by 20-Avocado
Maze Game by 20-Avocado
Platformer episode e6 little lad edition by 20-Avocado
Platformer episode no.5 by 20-Avocado
stop bothering greg! FNF - Greg [TEST] remix by 20-Avocado
Add Yourself Watching TV remix by 20-Avocado
Minecraft in 3D! by 20-Avocado
Car experiment by 20-Avocado
Dum Rickroll by 20-Avocado
CAT!!! by 20-Avocado
YEET!!! by 20-Avocado
Cattttt by 20-Avocado
do not press by 20-Avocado
Wot... by 20-Avocado
cloud variable test by 20-Avocado
Favorite Projects
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Slide 3D - Game of the Unknown v2.0 by Game-Cloud
seekers: seeker of lights by datasix
Shrek Shooter! by Loud_Shorts
Smooth Movement Engine by ninjanibb
Ball Physics Scroll v0.4 by griffpatch
Cloud Platformer Multiplayer Fun v1.42 #3 by griffpatch
Sonic Frenzy 2 by -Rocket-
OUT OF ORDER! (There is no game part two) by colinmacc
Car Anatomy² Crashboξ 1.7a by IguanaLover
Super Scratch Bros. by Hobson-TV
Cool Pizza by Moon-player
Griffpatch's Blue Line Filter by griffpatch
Level EATEN! - v0.12 by griffpatch
CATS (bruh) by 20-Avocado
scratch cat vs scratch cat remake by 20-Avocado
RELOAD (v.1.1.0) (obsolete) by Noentiendo2005
wildflowers || an original song by anime-tions
joystick game (mobile only) by 20-Avocado
Button Clicker by 20-Avocado
The Everything Experience by ThunderGuns
Studios I'm Following
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Generate a Maze Tutorial (YouTube)
Make a Classic Platformer | part 5
Pixilart Users!
Mobile friendly games!!!
BPS Unofficial Scratch Club
stuff I like and love♥️
Hambager Friends and Followers
add as much as possible
20-Avocado and followers
just gif!!!
anoying stuff
elmo projects
add every thing!!!
a studio!!!
cool stuff
more stuff
a studio!
Epic Stuff!
Studios I Curate
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Geometry Dash
Galaxy Infinity!✨
Multi Jump , World , Four Season . EXE Collections
Scratch Gaming Studio
Mobile friendly games!!!
BPS Unofficial Scratch Club
stuff I like and love♥️
add as much as possible
20-Avocado and followers
Hambager Friends and Followers
just gif!!!
anoying stuff
elmo projects
add every thing!!!
a studio!!!
cool stuff
more stuff
a studio!
lots of stuff
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