1samira1 » Favorites (69)
STOP HUNTING FOXES remix remix x4 by cs3973224
The Breakdown 1 by lemonade789465312
Thomas The Tank Engine Theme by MilkTankerMedia
leglesslegolegolas by beanz_247
Make Your Own Animal Crossing Villager by ipzy
SimpleSimulator v 1.0 by beanz_247
Circle Simulator. V1.3.7 by Badman1254
Scratch World Cup! EP1! by SausageandBean
☁ Fall Guys Online Battles by 23ScratchMan
Add a pride scratch cat!!! remix by BlueBird_coding
Add a pride scratch cat!!! by beanz_247
how to make a watermelon and strawberry slushie (alchohol free) by 1samira1
I'm not a furry, BUT by Doublefool
Which Dog Are You? by picklesnext10kmsign
Cute Squirrel!!!!! remix by beanz_247
Cute Squirrel!!!!! remix by 1samira1
Cute Squirrel!!!!! by SausageandBean
Scratch cat sprite pack!!!! by -ScratchHero-
Robots VS Humans by WRES4502
Sushi Platformer by key01134
crazy bow's by 1samira1
Sausage and Bean intro by SausageandBean
My Intro! by Tsunami1729
Zoom Stereotypes-Part 1 by TheSnowyAnimator
blinding cats (scratch cat) remix this was too funny not to remix by 1samira1
I KNOW YOUR NAME! by wookieetom
macarena! by gemgem2008
☪︎ All about Ramadan by Bizzybee--
gacha life DrEsS uP! by ednapancake
Untitled remix by Deppresedperson7
4 pictures 1 word by Deppresedperson7
Russian Platformer remix by Deppresedperson7
Hope I don't offend anyone by Deppresedperson7
True Story!!! by Totallylegal1
Area Escape:Remastered OLD(lok) by REALDDdaBOSS
this quiz can guess ur personalalaty of ur fav flower <3 by aishadazebra
Levatating by nj-Emerald-Dragon-
Levatating song by Julia_Anime_Girl
blinding cats by womit
Thinking Sheep Academy by Totallylegal1
Fishing Vacation by CodingGolem
comedy class lesson 1 with miss giraffe by 1samira1
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeme by pawprint8
Scratch Week:Week1:Nature Week: How to plant a tree by techani
Koala Studies Lesson 1 by Totallylegal1
by Totallylegal1
English lesson 1 by Tsunami1729
Flappy Bird remix by aishadazebra
Flappy Bird by 1samira1
blinding cats (scratch cat) by Dedsher
Why I Love Scratch by AEngelen
Untitled-3 by aishadazebra
ULTIMATE SCRATCH ART!! by -Flyinghigh-
Meet the gang remix by _Moonwatcher08
Reading Lesson 1 by Wof_fan09
Chomp Game!!! by Tsunami1729
Talk to Mei from Turning Red by NerdyNummiesUnicorn
Thinking sheep Academy welcomes you by 1samira1
Retro Ping Pong by FishComics
Stickman Combat by Totallylegal1