1SeCh21 » Shared Projects (14)
IntegerLists by 1SeCh21
Byte Display to decimal by 1SeCh21
Walking Bear by 1SeCh21
Dinosaur Game by 1SeCh21
Squiral by 1SeCh21
Regular polygons by 1SeCh21
Unit 2 | Day 14 | Drawing and Repeat Loop remix-2 by 1SeCh21
Game Show - ChSe, ZhAn by 1SeCh21
User Input by 1SeCh21
The Dinosaur and Penguin Movie by 1SeCh21
Broadcast Examples by 1SeCh21
Scratch Robot Grid Starter Code warrior remix remix by 1SeCh21
black hole attack remix by 1SeCh21
Hello world by 1SeCh21