Student of: Div 6 Heinrichs New Scratcher Joined 8 years, 1 month ago United States
About me
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Shared Projects (16)
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Top 4 fairy tales by 114-ogafincu
top ten places to go in Canada by 114-ogafincu
create a story by 114-ogafincu
dress up game by 114-ogafincu
creative a virtual pet by 114-ogafincu
The catching game by 114-ogafincu
Lets Dance by 114-ogafincu
pop the gobo by 114-ogafincu
pong game by 114-ogafincu
Hide and seek. by 114-ogafincu
race to the finish by 114-ogafincu
using the pen by 114-ogafincu
make music by 114-ogafincu
make scratch fly by 114-ogafincu
getting started by 114-ogafincu
animate your name by 114-ogafincu
Favorite Projects
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Top 3 most poular dog breeds by 114-sbojic
top ten places to go in Canada by 114-ogafincu
The catching game by 114-ogafincu
Let's dance by 114-sbojic
Catching game by 114-sbojic
Create a story by 114-sbojic
create a story by 114-ogafincu
Top 4 fairy tales by 114-ogafincu
Top 5 most popular pets by 114-olund
make a story by 114-olund
Create a virtual pet by 114-sbojic
Dress up by 114-sbojic
dress up by 114-olund
Hide and seek. by 114-ogafincu
animate your name by 114-ogafincu
pop the gobo by 114-ogafincu
Using the pen by 114-sbojic
Hide and seek by 114-sbojic
Pop the ballons by 114-sbojic
ping pong game by 114-olund
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