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Uncensor "balls" in the TTS extension and the Translate extension

Note: This is different from the comment filterbot, and it does not use Cleanspeak for detecting bad words.

  • If you place “balls” in the translate extension it simply returns nothing, because it detected a bad word.
  • If you place “balls” in the TTS extension, it ouldn't speak anything unless the voice is set to “meow”.

However, “balls” isn't always inappropriate (in fact, you can say them in the comments), it can stand for the plural of “ball”. It could still be inappropriate if it is about a person's body part, but not if it's for general purpose. Can we uncensor just this word in the TTS and translate extension?
100+ posts

Uncensor "balls" in the TTS extension and the Translate extension

500+ posts

Uncensor "balls" in the TTS extension and the Translate extension

Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Uncensor "balls" in the TTS extension and the Translate extension

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