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Why music extension is resitricted to BPMs 20-500?

Why the music extension don't allow tempos below 20 and won't go above 500? Is it intended? If it is, why?
1000+ posts

Why music extension is resitricted to BPMs 20-500?

ten_6044 wrote:

Why the music extension don't allow tempos below 20 and won't go above 500? Is it intended? If it is, why?
Performance reasons.
1000+ posts

Why music extension is resitricted to BPMs 20-500?

While comments in the code don't explain why they chose this, they do explain that it's intentional.

My guess is that over 500 BPM you start to no longer be able to distinguish between individual beats, and it just kind of becomes noise (with some applications in playing things like WAV files), and under 20 you might as well just use a
wait () seconds
1000+ posts

Why music extension is resitricted to BPMs 20-500?

Because scratch waits near a few milliseconds inbetween blocks, so then they won't actually be 500 BPM

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