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- Firedrake969
1000+ posts
Python programming language
Nobody's hating on it; we're just saying how we prefer other languages due to their non-reliance on white space. For the guys hating on Python's syntax choices.
Sometimes people design languages just to get a concept out there, so other people can refine it and advance the programming field. Python was one of these languages, except the people refining the concept turned out to be the Python community.
If you don't like Python's syntax, then you don't like programming using Python. Just use something else. Python wasn't made to be a good C clone.
oh God no help meWHY WOULD YOU EVER MAKE AN IF STATEMENT RELY ON WHITESPACE TO KNOW WHAT CODE IT WERE TO RUN???Something tells me you wouldn't like this language
- AonymousGuy
1000+ posts
Python programming language
I never said Python was made to be a good C clone. For the guys hating on Python's syntax choices.
Sometimes people design languages just to get a concept out there, so other people can refine it and advance the programming field. Python was one of these languages, except the people refining the concept turned out to be the Python community.
If you don't like Python's syntax, then you don't like programming using Python. Just use something else. Python wasn't made to be a good C clone.
I'm just giving my opinion on what I think about the syntax choices.
And I have done a bit of dabbling in making languages myself - my first ones that I made in Scratch had even worse syntax.
Eh, I've heard of it before. I've read a lot on an esoteric language wiki.WHY WOULD YOU EVER MAKE AN IF STATEMENT RELY ON WHITESPACE TO KNOW WHAT CODE IT WERE TO RUN???Something tells me you wouldn't like this language. Note that the text in the examples is not the code. To see the code, you need to highlight the page.

- amgames
100+ posts
Python programming language
Nobody's hating on it; we're just saying how we prefer other languages due to their non-reliance on white space. For the guys hating on Python's syntax choices.
Sometimes people design languages just to get a concept out there, so other people can refine it and advance the programming field. Python was one of these languages, except the people refining the concept turned out to be the Python community.
If you don't like Python's syntax, then you don't like programming using Python. Just use something else. Python wasn't made to be a good C clone.
- Firedrake969
1000+ posts
Python programming language
He is simply asking a spirited question.Nobody's hating on it; we're just saying how we prefer other languages due to their non-reliance on white space. For the guys hating on Python's syntax choices.
Sometimes people design languages just to get a concept out there, so other people can refine it and advance the programming field. Python was one of these languages, except the people refining the concept turned out to be the Python community.
If you don't like Python's syntax, then you don't like programming using Python. Just use something else. Python wasn't made to be a good C clone.WHY WOULD YOU EVER MAKE AN IF STATEMENT RELY ON WHITESPACE TO KNOW WHAT CODE IT WERE TO RUN???
- AonymousGuy
1000+ posts
Python programming language
A very spirited question.He is simply asking a spirited question.Nobody's hating on it; we're just saying how we prefer other languages due to their non-reliance on white space. For the guys hating on Python's syntax choices.
Sometimes people design languages just to get a concept out there, so other people can refine it and advance the programming field. Python was one of these languages, except the people refining the concept turned out to be the Python community.
If you don't like Python's syntax, then you don't like programming using Python. Just use something else. Python wasn't made to be a good C clone.WHY WOULD YOU EVER MAKE AN IF STATEMENT RELY ON WHITESPACE TO KNOW WHAT CODE IT WERE TO RUN???
It's basically my one major complaint with the language.
The rest of it is fine.
- amgames
100+ posts
Python programming language
very spirited question.A
It's basically my one major complaint with the language.
The rest of it is fine.
Well, if you don't like if statements, then you won't like lambda statements.
x=lambda y:y*2 print(x(2)) # prints 4 # check out how weird this is! x=[lambda x:x*(i+2) for i in range(5)] assert x[0](2) == x[1](2) == x[2](2) == x[3](2) == x[4](2) # ...that doesn't fail. They all return 12.
- Firedrake969
1000+ posts
Python programming language
When I was learning Python on CodeAcademy… I hated those.very spirited question.A
It's basically my one major complaint with the language.
The rest of it is fine.
Well, if you don't like if statements, then you won't like lambda statements.x=lambda y:y*2 print(x(2)) # prints 4 # check out how weird this is! x=[lambda x:x*(i+2) for i in range(5)] assert x[0](2) == x[1](2) == x[2](2) == x[3](2) == x[4](2) # ...that doesn't fail. They all return 12.
- DodgyDodo
22 posts
Python programming language
I don't use python
but I'm using scratch to develop my own scripts language
when green flag clicked

when green flag clicked
ask [scripts:] and wait
add (answer) to [Scripts]
- navysmeagol_175
100+ posts
Python programming language
isnt there a built in function that does that? I was about to make a Python thread, but luckily I found this on my search.
Python is awesome! I am currently doing Programming for Everybody course on Coursera. It teaches Python. I am addicted to Python since then.
Also, this is one of my Python project. It flips text backward, just like my newest project, Flip That Text. (For your info, Flip That Text is actually based on the Python version)plain_text = raw_input("Text to flip backwards : ")
char_counter = 0
char = None
result = None
while True:
while True:
char_counter = char_counter - 1
char = plain_text[char_counter]
if result is None:
result = char
result = result + char
if len(result) == len(plain_text):
print result
x = raw_input("> ")
if x == "done":
And a question: (from a newbie)
How do you generate random numbers?I think I read about it somewhere but I didn't remember where.
Can someone help?
- navysmeagol_175
100+ posts
Python programming language
i think the syntax in python is easy
- Sid72020123
500+ posts
Python programming language
I have made a Python library named “siddhesh”. To know more visit this website!
- Vaibhs11
1000+ posts
Python programming language
#why is there no forever loop ;-; #XD oh well, while 1=1: print("echo world")
Last edited by Vaibhs11 (Jan. 8, 2021 04:31:08)
- mybearworld
1000+ posts
Python programming language
This code wouldn't work#why is there no forever loop ;-; #XD oh well, while 1=1: print("echo world")
a=1 # Sets a variable called "a" to 1. (You couldn't set numbers tho) a==1 # Is a equal to 1?

- mybearworld
1000+ posts
Python programming language
it's way easier to do that in python I don't use pythonbut I'm using scratch to develop my own scripts language
when green flag clickedask [scripts:] and waitadd (answer) to [Scripts]
- Vaibhs11
1000+ posts
Python programming language
oopsThis code wouldn't work#why is there no forever loop ;-; #XD oh well, while 1=1: print("echo world")Also it's while TRUE and not while 1==1a=1 # Sets a variable called "a" to 1. (You couldn't set numbers tho) a==1 # Is a equal to 1?
forgot operators
- mybearworld
1000+ posts
Python programming language
Anyone hating the fact that you don't need ;?
Well then just use them
Python won't care
Well then just use them
Python won't care
- Vaibhs11
1000+ posts
Python programming language
;?Anyone hating the fact that I don't know how to close loops? Anyone hating the fact that you don't need
Well then just use them
Python won't care
also no, without is much better but the
Anyone hating the fact that you need : instead of {}?
Last edited by Vaibhs11 (Jan. 8, 2021 13:05:24)
- mybearworld
1000+ posts
Python programming language
Anyone hating the fact that I don't know how to close loops?
for n in range(10) print("Countdown:", n) print("\nLoop succesfully closed!")
: instead of {}?Doesn't this look better anyone hating the fact that you need
if 1 == 1: if 2 == 2: f = 3 if 3 == 3: pass f = 5 else: if 4 == 4: if 5 == 5: c = 6 print("The end")
if 1 == 1 { if 2 == 2 { f = 3 } if 3 == 3 { pass } f = 5 } else { if 4 == 4 { if 5 == 5 { c = 6 } } }
- mybearworld
1000+ posts
Python programming language
I'll try programming a reserver too.plain_text = raw_input("Text to flip backwards : ")
char_counter = 0
char = None
result = None
while True:
while True:
char_counter = char_counter - 1
char = plain_text[char_counter]
if result is None:
result = char
result = result + char
if len(result) == len(plain_text):
print result
x = raw_input("> ")
if x == "done":
def rev(x): y = "" for n in range(len(x)-1, -1, -1): y+= x[n] return y while True: print(rev(input("Text: ")))
Edit: Ok now I found out a little more about slices…
def rev(x): return x[::-1] while True: print(rev(input("Text")))
while True: print(input("Text")[::-1])
while 1:print(input()[::-1])
Last edited by mybearworld (Feb. 19, 2022 11:30:30)
- mybearworld
1000+ posts
Python programming language
Anyone knows a way to put a “for” loop inside a “lambda”?
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» Python programming language