Discuss Scratch

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sci-fi storyline forum :)


cabin collaborative story: https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/746122/
feel free to continue the story for words and fragments! ;D


“That's amazing!” Zion exclaims, hurrying over. A crowd pushes around the screen, people craning to see the file that Finley had uncovered. She clears her throat.
“Okay, it says, ‘⊘➵✸ ❋➽⊕⊖⊘ ☾❋ ♮☆♯₪ ☼✸☾☼♭✸ ☾♯ ⊘➵➽⊖ ⊘⊕☆➽♭ ⊘➵⊕☾◆✣➵☾◆⊘ ⊘➵✸ ♭✸☆✳✸⊕ ⊘✸☆♮,’”
Everybody stares at Finley blankly.
She frowns. “'⊘➵✸ ❋➽⊕⊖⊘ ☾❋ ♮☆♯₪ ☼✸☾☼♭✸.' That's what…”
“☾➵, ♯☾.”
“✏➵☆⊘ ➽⊖ ✣☾➽♯✣ ☾♯?”
۞➽☾♯, ⚝✳ ☆♯✳ ❋➽♯♭✸₪ ✣♭☆♯⚝✸ ✏☾⊕⊕➽✸✳♭₪ ☆⊘ ✸☆⚝➵ ☾⊘➵✸⊕. “➽⊖ ⊘➵➽⊖…?”
“The AI.”

“It's fighting back.”


welcome to the third installment of sci-fi's storyline!

as you can tell, the AI is resisting, and it's corrupting our cabin as whole!
not only that, but we may have found the first clue to who created the AI- apart from the fact that it has been encrypted into code. to finally defeat the AI, we'll need to discover who created it in the first place. first, however, our priority is to fix the cabin- so, let's get into it!

our research has shown that this cipher is what's known as alphabetical substitution- each letter has been replaced by a random symbol. we just need to work out what symbol corresponds to what letter.

an example of how to do this could be to take a heading that you know from the desc of the cabin, (for example, ‘links’ is a short one) check what symbol represents what letter and note that down. in this way, you'll eventually have a full key, and will be able to fully decipher the sci-fi cabin!

we heavily encourage working together for this task- it could be tackled much easier this way! <33 this forum is an open space for any discussion you'd want to do

this activity is entirely optional- if you want to attempt it, that's great! but there is no requirement to do so whatsoever <3

any person that contributes to this task will receive 6 fragments for their collection! best of luck!

let's defeat this AI! #sci-fiftw!!
55 posts

sci-fi storyline forum :)

⊘ t
➵ h
✸ e
₪ y
♭ l
➽ i
♯ n
⋙ k
⊖ s
⚝ c
⊕ r
✳ d

The first ☾f ma♯₪ ☼e☾☼le ☾♯ this trail throughout the leader team,’”
Everybody stares at Finley blankly.
She frowns. “'The first ☾❋ ♮☆♯₪ ☼e☾☼le.' That's what…”
“☾h, ♯☾.”
“✏h☆t hs ✣☾➽♯✣ ☾♯?”
۞➽☾♯, ⚝✳ ☆♯✳ ❋➽♯♭✸₪ ✣♭a♯⚝e ✏☾⊕⊕➽✸✳♭₪ ☆⊘ ✸☆⚝h ☾t➵✸⊕. “Is this…?”

not sure if I got f or a right
100+ posts

sci-fi storyline forum :)


The first of ma♯₪ people o♯ this trail throughout the leader team,’”
Everybody stares at Finley blankly.
She frowns. “'The first of ma♯₪ people.' That's what…”
“oh, no.”
“✏h☆t hs ✣o➽n✣ on?”
۞➽on, cd ☆nd ❋➽n♭e₪ ✣♭ance ✏orr➽ed♭₪ ☆t e☆ch ot➵er. “Is this…?”

im guessing its the first of many people on but i dont have time to fill the rest in rn

Last edited by rainy-rayne (March 21, 2024 14:50:01)

55 posts

sci-fi storyline forum :)

“The first of many people on this trail throughout the leader team,’”
Everybody stares at Finley blankly.
She frowns. “'The first of many people.' That's what…”
“Oh, no.”
“What is going on?”
Zion, CD and Finley glance worriedly at each other. “Is this…?”
500+ posts

sci-fi storyline forum :)


“This is the file that the AI was trying to hide from us. Here we go-
‘The first of many people on this trail throughout the leader team,
They could be one of eight, from darkest night to one of mythic gleam.
Their name’s the same, no matter if from forwards or backwards it’s seen,
You’ll know you’ve found the culprit when you’re greeted with a wave of green.’

There is silence, and then chaos.
Everybody shouts out at once. There are questions, worries, theories, panic- every emotion possible is present. Until, suddenly-


CD waves their hands excitedly at the front, a twinkle in their eye.
“I think I know what to do.”


hello! welcome to this segment of sci-fi’s storyline- where we finally find out who betrayed us and created the AI!
as you can tell, not only is this found file a riddle, it will also be only one of multiple clues that will lead you to the final culprit. this is a scavenger hunt of sorts- eventually, by going from leader to leader, we’ll reach our final destination and the grand finale!

each riddle will lead you to the profile of a host, leader or co of this session. when you feel that you’ve figured out the right person, go ahead and ask if they have the next clue for you! if you’ve gotten it right, they will

again, we highly recommend working together for this- this forum is a great place to do so it may be helpful to copy/paste any clues you receive here so that all can see our progress!

some clues may be easier to figure out than others <3
it may be helpful to compile a list of all leaders, cos, hosts and their cabins to refer back to.

we hope you enjoy this activity- and that we soon find the traitor! best of luck


Last edited by ForestPanther (March 29, 2024 13:33:22)

29 posts

sci-fi storyline forum :)

I haven't participated in this before so idk if I'm doing this all wrong but oh well

“This riddle is trying to tell us a leader here, and we have to guess who it is. Maybe that leader will have information for us!” CD excitedly explained. Riley's thoughts raced with ideas. Quickly, she looked over the riddle again.
Their name’s the same, no matter if from forwards or backwards it’s seen. This caught her attention.
“Now, what leader has a name like a palindrome…” her brows furrowed. She scanned the clues for another hint.
You’ll know you’ve found the culprit when you’re greeted with a wave of green.
Her mind raced through all the names until it stopped.
Eevee. Surely she was the one!
Riley raised her hand, and the crowd grew silent again, listening intently. Hesitantly, she announced, “It's Eevee, isn't it?”
500+ posts

sci-fi storyline forum :)

--asdfghjkl wrote:

I haven't participated in this before so idk if I'm doing this all wrong but oh well
no worries- you’ve not done it wrong ! just remember to ask the leader you think it is on their profile for the next clue ^^

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