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2 posts


if you ever stumble across somthing inapropriot, vilont or any thing bad you can report them

heres how to report somthing
you will see a word under the notes and credits box on a project. press it if it has somthing bad for example, a swear. when you press the report button, you will see reasons why to report the project. click it then a box will apear. click it. then that project is good so the scratch team can look at it

now for a studio, its under the discripion box press it like a bro like me did when i saw a evil girls only studio. to report a comment go to the top right of the text box. there will be the report button. on a profile go to the box where all the facts about them are then go to the bottom right. it will say report this profile.

there you go
1000+ posts


1. Thanks for the guide, but the Scratch Team isn't currently looking for any at the moment. You can make a project for this instead.
2. This doesn't belong in Translating Scratch, as it is for helping translate the Scratch website and editor to different languages.

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