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100+ posts

NEW idea: brother [sibling] feature in scratch

Since scratch is an all-ages platform, I think many people have attempted to invite their younger or older brothers to the platform to rack in those sweet sweet likes & favorites together. So I am suggesting scratch adds a feature where you can add a section for your brother. Basically if you are brothers in real life, you can link your accounts together to show that you are brothers on your page. Maybe this could give you advantages in Scratch itself, like being able to work on projects together or getting an exclusive “brothely” block
brotherly, ain't it?
Or maybe you could FINALLY unlock netherrite in “Griffpatch”'s iconic hit “Paper Minecraft” if you work with your brother.

Possibly this feature could be expanded on using ID verification to prove that you are really brothers. Or maybe we could add the same sort of system but with sisters instead.

Tell me your excelent thoughts on this. The brotherhood has risen, millions must be brothers… it's about time we add this.

Last edited by Paddle2See (Oct. 10, 2023 22:53:25)

1000+ posts

NEW idea: brother [sibling] feature in scratch

So sisters are excluded?
No support for the benefits.
500+ posts

NEW idea: brother [sibling] feature in scratch

(nice find k7e)
what about a brother and a sister or something else like that?

Last edited by ninjahanzo (Aug. 6, 2023 15:10:10)

1000+ posts

NEW idea: brother [sibling] feature in scratch

why would you unlock content in an average quality minecraft ripoff that isn't related to scratch team in any way? what would that block do? what about sisters? what about siblings of different genders that aren't male or female? why would you have a whole section on your profile for what will mostly just be 1 person?

also why is griffpatch in quotes
1000+ posts

NEW idea: brother [sibling] feature in scratch

Bro thought everyone is a man/boy ☠️

And for real, no support. Why would we give people special things because of irl things you don’t have control over?
1000+ posts

NEW idea: brother [sibling] feature in scratch

If James Charles saw this suggestion he'd be doin HI SISTERS yet again, anyway whaddabout other family tree stuff then
no support
1000+ posts

NEW idea: brother [sibling] feature in scratch

I'm kind of confused by this. Is this a joke?
1000+ posts

NEW idea: brother [sibling] feature in scratch

Can we just assume that sisters and cousins and other relatives would also be included

Anyways, this seems kind of unnecessary. If you have nearby relatives, why couldn't you play games like Paper Minecraft or work on projects together? Like having a good time together for once instead of playing on different computers around the house

Even if you can't see your relatives very easily because of long distance, this feature would be difficult to program, not to mention that anyone could just pose as a sibling or fake an ID
1000+ posts

NEW idea: brother [sibling] feature in scratch

ajskateboarder wrote:

Can we just assume that sisters and cousins and other relatives would also be included

Anyways, this seems kind of unnecessary. If you have nearby relatives, why couldn't you play games like Paper Minecraft or work on projects together? Like having a good time together for once instead of playing on different computers around the house

Even if you can't see your relatives very easily because of long distance, this feature would be difficult to program, not to mention that anyone could just pose as a sibling or fake an ID
I agree. Playing together on Scratch in real life would probably be much more enjoyable.
500+ posts

NEW idea: brother [sibling] feature in scratch

I don't know if this is a joke.

Anyways, just add it to your “about me”.

No support.
60 posts

NEW idea: brother [sibling] feature in scratch

Maybe you should just be able to add a section on your profile for another scratcher's recent projects.
1000+ posts

NEW idea: brother [sibling] feature in scratch

eikh2 wrote:

So sisters are excluded?
No support for the benefits.

ninjahanzo wrote:

what about sisters?

EngineerRunner wrote:

what about sisters?

-OdysseyCentral- wrote:

Bro thought everyone is a man/boy ☠️

Zydrolic wrote:

If James Charles saw this suggestion he'd be doin HI SISTERS yet again
The OP:

Whatsfordinner77 wrote:

Or maybe we could add the same sort of system but with sisters instead.

Last edited by k7e (Aug. 7, 2023 03:57:44)

500+ posts

NEW idea: brother [sibling] feature in scratch

bump hi
1000+ posts

NEW idea: brother [sibling] feature in scratch

why not sisters?
1000+ posts

NEW idea: brother [sibling] feature in scratch

glitcX wrote:

why not sisters?
See my above post.
1000+ posts

NEW idea: brother [sibling] feature in scratch

No support:
-You can just say “i have a brother (or sister” on your about me

Whatsfordinner77 wrote:

…or getting an exclusive “brothely” block
brotherly, ain't it?
How will this be useful for coding? I just see this only existing for aesthetic purposes

Whatsfordinner77 wrote:

…Or maybe you could FINALLY unlock netherrite in “Griffpatch”'s iconic hit “Paper Minecraft” if you work with your brother.
How would this work since the project was not officialy made by a Scratch Team member?

also bump ig

Last edited by Scratch--TheCat (Aug. 7, 2023 09:53:27)

500+ posts

NEW idea: brother [sibling] feature in scratch

1000+ posts

NEW idea: brother [sibling] feature in scratch

About the minecraft part
1: the game isnt even owned by st
2: just make a private server on minecraft mmo
500+ posts

NEW idea: brother [sibling] feature in scratch

Where sister functionality?!?!?!??!

anyways, the benefits would have to be axed. A profile section such as “related to” would be fun, but nothing beyond that.
1000+ posts

NEW idea: brother [sibling] feature in scratch

solomonw2440 wrote:

Where sister functionality?!?!?!??!
I think that is already suggested in the op. If you haven’t read it as much, I recommend reading it again as you’ll have a better understanding of what the suggestion is asking for.

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