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44 posts

how long do alerts on scratch last?

a simple question, how long is an alert on scratch in effect? (how long the warning is on your account) i think its 60 days, since if you get banned, after a while you will get a message that says “you have not receved any admin notifcations in the last 60 days.” however, this might not be true. i need confirmation this is true.
1000+ posts

how long do alerts on scratch last?

I don't think there's a formal limit on how long alerts last. Sure, if your last alert was for sharing personal information 7 years ago, and you just did it again, you probably wouldn't get banned. On the other hand, if 1 year ago, you were back-and-forth with appeals about sharing personal information many times, and today you do it again, you could still get banned.

As with anything regarding alerts, it all depends on how many alerts you get, how often you got those alerts, what you did wrong, etc. There's no hard rule like “Any alerts from over 60 days ago no longer count.”
1000+ posts

how long do alerts on scratch last?

When I got banned I did not recieve a “you have not receved any admin notifcations in the last 60 days." message.

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