Discuss Scratch
- cookieclickerer33
1000+ posts
Solution to Comment Thread Limits
Yeah, I still support thisI know the limit was put into place to prevent the servers from slowing, but I don't think it was explicitly stated anywhere by the ST that it was implemented to make roleplaying inconvenientI should have phrased it differently, it was supposed to make roleplaying inconvenient to discourage it as roleplay clogged up the servers(#37)But then you can just make a new comment continuing the previous thread, so even if that were true (which I'm pretty sure this isn't), the thread limit wouldn't work against that. Since that is already possible, this feature could just be added for convenience.
I could have sworn that I saw something saying the thread limit specifically added to reduce role playing but I can’t find it anywhere
Roleplaying shouldn’t be discouraged anyway
- Thiago_le_meilleur
1000+ posts
Solution to Comment Thread Limits
Support for all the reasons above