Discuss Scratch
- GIitchInTheMatrix
1000+ posts
Block Counter
And that’s why workarounds are terrible.Great workaround! Just use the JSON size, and subtract the predetermined amounts.
While we’re at it, just delete Scratch and make kids learn JavaScript! That’ll save MIT plenty of serverspace.
OK cool, so your deleting memories, griffpatch, SCRATCH FORMS.
learn more about this platform, we <3 scratch….
It’s my go to suggestion when workarounds are mentioned.
- 106809nes
1000+ posts
Block Counter
block checker = search block in turbowarp addonsSuggestions = add this to Scratch
Suggestions ≠ turbowarp stuff.
- awnaltaha2
1 post
Block Counter
i made like 9 blocks i
when green flag clicked
set [ v] to [0]
move ( v) steps
change [ v] by (-1)
when [ space] key pressed
set [ v] to [8]
if <> then
<[0] = [0]>