Discuss Scratch
- mexicanboyrrv
500+ posts
Add a plastic bottle sprite.
It's pretty good! Cough coughbetter than I could do…
here is my mockup (bad)
- cookieclickerer33
1000+ posts
Add a plastic bottle sprite.
I support as it could raise awareness about how the oceans are being polluted
- TheAIforumer
50 posts
Add a plastic bottle sprite.
bro what I think you are going a bit too far. Not only this is off-topic, but water in bottles is a very controversial topic. If you want to drink water, tap water is good enough. Bottled water is just a waste of resource and is not very eco-friendly. Maybe we also should put some effort into saving the world from plastic waste? I would say that is more impactful than the discussion about bottled water.
- cookieclickerer33
1000+ posts
Add a plastic bottle sprite.
The ai really did a funnybro what I think you are going a bit too far. Not only this is off-topic, but water in bottles is a very controversial topic. If you want to drink water, tap water is good enough. Bottled water is just a waste of resource and is not very eco-friendly. Maybe we also should put some effort into saving the world from plastic waste? I would say that is more impactful than the discussion about bottled water.
- HurricaneMitch1998M
1000+ posts
Add a plastic bottle sprite.
Support Because it could whistle where it is about pollution
- cs3868895
1000+ posts
Add a plastic bottle sprite.
It can either be that but also, some sort of power-up, or being moist by drinking water for hydration is important in life. I support as it could raise awareness about how the oceans are being polluted
Last edited by cs3868895 (March 12, 2023 18:07:02)
- cs3868895
1000+ posts
Add a plastic bottle sprite.
Awareness of the environment on the scratch library bump
- cs3868895
1000+ posts
Add a plastic bottle sprite.
Can we also have a scratch metal bottle too-
- mexicanboyrrv
500+ posts
Add a plastic bottle sprite.
But that, sir/mam (dont wanna get cancelled here), is for another topic in which to be discussed. Can we also have a scratch metal bottle too-
- cs3868895
1000+ posts
Add a plastic bottle sprite.
crumpled plastic bottle.
It would exist here right?
It would exist here right?
- mexicanboyrrv
500+ posts
Add a plastic bottle sprite.
crumpled plastic bottle.Ive already included that, read the op and its edits
It would exist here right?