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- PaperMarioFan2022
1000+ posts
Joke Banners
Fair points, and good ones I'll add. Well, clearly that one forbidden word thought it was a good idea.I mean, that kind of depends on what someone finds funny, and what exactly the joke is, but those would not be included on Scratch.As in non-funny jokes? Correct me if I’m wrong please. can we do dark jokes?
Also, whoever has an emoji on the page in some of these pages, can you please get rid of it??
Also, I only used bold bbcode and text in my signature.
edit: Another king arises!
Last edited by PaperMarioFan2022 (July 3, 2024 18:33:18)
- Elijah999999
1000+ posts
Joke Banners
Keep in mind that puns don't often work in different languages. With Scratch's 79 languages, (source: I counted them, including dialects,) to write five jokes, the Scratch Team would need to write roughly 395 of them. Either that or make this feature exclusive for English speakers.
Last edited by Elijah999999 (Oct. 21, 2024 14:50:38)