Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

How did Scratch get it’s name? Did Scratch Cat come first?


I have two related questions:

How did Scratch get it’s name?
I wonder how Scratch got it’s name. How did the name ‘Scratch’ get come up for a coding website (Scratch)?

Did the name ‘Scratch Cat’ for a cat get come up first?
Did the Scratch Cat get come up first? If so, then it seems very reasonable to name Scratch ‘Scratch’. If Scratch came first, then it also seems reasonable to name the cat Scratch Cat. Also, Scratch’s mascot being a cat might be because cats scratch things.

I would like to know the answers to those questions.

Thank you so much!
1000+ posts

How did Scratch get it’s name? Did Scratch Cat come first?

Austinato wrote:

Wikipedia article says:
Scratch takes its name from a technique used by disk jockeys called “scratching”, where vinyl records are clipped together and manipulated on a turntable to produce different sound effects and music. Like scratching, the website lets users mix together different media (including graphics, sound, and other programs) in creative ways by creating and remixing projects, like video games, animations, and simulations.

Source and recent topic that may answer your questions.

Last edited by TheAnomalousPseudo (June 3, 2021 01:22:33)

1000+ posts

How did Scratch get it’s name? Did Scratch Cat come first?

The name Scratch was chosen first all the way back in 2003. Scratch Cat didn't come along until 3 years later, so Scratch Cat did not come first.
500+ posts

How did Scratch get it’s name? Did Scratch Cat come first?

You might be interested in this video clip. https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=242&v=a-_YhpoqHBk&feature=emb_logo The Scratch history starts at about 4 minutes and shows two of the original creators talking about the early days and shows some early drafts of the Scratch Cat and Gobo.
2 posts

How did Scratch get it’s name? Did Scratch Cat come first?

I think scratch cat came first and the desiner thoght cats so he ivided the scratch team and they made al kidds of caricters (including the scratch cat) and they named it the scratch cat
2 posts

How did Scratch get it’s name? Did Scratch Cat come first?

Pen_script wrote:

I think scratch cat came first and the desiner thoght cats so he ivided the scratch team and they made al kidds of caricters (including the scratch cat) and they named it the scratch cat

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