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7 posts

To all you Kingdom Hearts fans!

For the Europians and Australians:

What do you think of FINALLY being able to play Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories? I'm so psyched about it! I've always wanted to play it, I even tried getting an american version of the game, but it wouldn't play on my PS2.

For everyone: How do you think Kingdom Hearts: HD 1.5 Remix looks? I think it looks really good, and I love how they are adding Final Mix into the game, instead of just the orignal Kingdom Hearts, so it comes with more bosses and stuff. Everyone in English speaking countries will finally be able to play Final Mix!

As for Kingdom Hearts: Days, which I have already, by the way, what is up with them adding it in? Will you actually get to play it or is it just the cutscenes? Either way, it's pretty sweet!

The only downside for me, is that I have to buy a PS3 to play it

Tell me your thoughts about it!
70 posts

To all you Kingdom Hearts fans!

Revived, and also: Kingdom Hearts 3 has been announced!

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