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1000+ posts

Paint Editor Priorities

Okay, so maybe this shouldn't be in Advanced Topics, but let's have a serious discussion about the Bitmap Editor.

The facts(as I understand them):
1. The Bitmap Editor is quite new. I understand this perfectly. It is nowhere NEAR complete. This is why I posted the topic- hear me out, though!
2. 1.4's Paint Editor was awesome. A bit limited, but it was simple and easy to understand and use.
3. The ST cannot just “copy and paste” the Squeak file to place the perfected Editor in 2.0.
4. The ST is still working on it.
5. 2.0's Bitmap Editor has some kind of Vector interface. My problem is that Bitmap is a precision format, and there is a slight bit of dilation distortion to a shape when it is “flattened” or “stamped” or whatever.

#5 may be fixed soon. The suggestion I have is that the ST focus on making the 2.0 Bitmap Editor work the same as the old 1.4 one, but of course with more style. Get the essentials first, then build all the cool little features from 1.4 after, and finally add the brand new 2.0 stuff.

So that's about it. All I'm saying is model the new Bitmap Editor after the old tried and true 1.4 Paint Editor.

Good job otherwise, ST! I'm quite happy you added Bitmap editing.
100+ posts

Paint Editor Priorities

yeah, I agree: when you plot a circle it should drag as a bitmap and not a vector
500+ posts

Paint Editor Priorities

Failord wrote:

Okay, so maybe this shouldn't be in Advanced Topics, but let's have a serious discussion about the Bitmap Editor.

The facts(as I understand them):
1. The Bitmap Editor is quite new. I understand this perfectly. It is nowhere NEAR complete. This is why I posted the topic- hear me out, though!
2. 1.4's Paint Editor was awesome. A bit limited, but it was simple and easy to understand and use.
3. The ST cannot just “copy and paste” the Squeak file to place the perfected Editor in 2.0.
4. The ST is still working on it.
5. 2.0's Bitmap Editor has some kind of Vector interface. My problem is that Bitmap is a precision format, and there is a slight bit of dilation distortion to a shape when it is “flattened” or “stamped” or whatever.

#5 may be fixed soon. The suggestion I have is that the ST focus on making the 2.0 Bitmap Editor work the same as the old 1.4 one, but of course with more style. Get the essentials first, then build all the cool little features from 1.4 after, and finally add the brand new 2.0 stuff.

So that's about it. All I'm saying is model the new Bitmap Editor after the old tried and true 1.4 Paint Editor.

Good job otherwise, ST! I'm quite happy you added Bitmap editing.

When you're dragging and modifying the shape, it is shown in Vector mode. When you click off it or select a different mode it will turn into it's Bitmap format.
1000+ posts

Paint Editor Priorities

DigiTechs wrote:

When you're dragging and modifying the shape, it is shown in Vector mode. When you click off it or select a different mode it will turn into it's Bitmap format.

Yes, exactly; I said that in the “advanced topic” sort of way.

But thanks for clarifying in case it helps anybody!
7 posts

Paint Editor Priorities

I understand your problem. when trying to make a rectangle in the bitmap editor, it doesn't clip to the pixels like the old bitmap editor would do. its useful to be able to drag around the rectangle but the clipping issue might confuse users used to the old editor (like me.)

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