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- Yellowsheep43
1000+ posts
Improve the "Report Profile" feature
This topic is NOT a duplicate of this topic. That topic complements this one well, however.
Whenever you go to someone's profile to report them, you are presented with a select of four things to report the profile for: Username, Icon, About Me, and What I'm Working On. And if there's something else, you have to report the individual comments/studios/whatever. And that's it.
I find that this report lacks information, as all it is telling the scratch team is what part of their profile is wrong, not what about the part is wrong.
And my friend {removed} has been impersonated (though quite a while ago), which strove me to make this topic.
Alright, so what should we change? It's very simple: First, you have the currently existing report profile screen, but instead of “send,” the button says “next.” Upon clicking Next, you are presented with another select, from the following:
-Impersonates another scratcher
-Offends a certain race or group
-Bypasses the filter
-Contains personal information
-User is bypassing a ban*
*This topic is nothing about ban evasion. I cannot find the link to the post about ban evasion, however. If you know the link, please tell me.
-Offends a certain race or group
-Contains blood and/or gore
About me and What I'm Working on
-Contains link(s) to inappropriate/unsafe website(s)
-Bypasses the filter
-Contains personal information
-Offends a certain race or group
After selecting a reason, you will then be presented with a text box, telling you to explain why this person's username/icon/About Me/What I'm Working On fits the reason you selected (or if you selected “other”, you will instead be asked Why this part of the profile is breaking the community guidelines).
I personally find the report profile lacking in specificity. If this were added, it would make the ST's job a bit easier, as they know what to look for when a user has been reported.
Whenever you go to someone's profile to report them, you are presented with a select of four things to report the profile for: Username, Icon, About Me, and What I'm Working On. And if there's something else, you have to report the individual comments/studios/whatever. And that's it.
I find that this report lacks information, as all it is telling the scratch team is what part of their profile is wrong, not what about the part is wrong.
And my friend {removed} has been impersonated (though quite a while ago), which strove me to make this topic.
Alright, so what should we change? It's very simple: First, you have the currently existing report profile screen, but instead of “send,” the button says “next.” Upon clicking Next, you are presented with another select, from the following:
-Impersonates another scratcher
-Offends a certain race or group
-Bypasses the filter
-Contains personal information
-User is bypassing a ban*
*This topic is nothing about ban evasion. I cannot find the link to the post about ban evasion, however. If you know the link, please tell me.
-Offends a certain race or group
-Contains blood and/or gore
About me and What I'm Working on
-Contains link(s) to inappropriate/unsafe website(s)
-Bypasses the filter
-Contains personal information
-Offends a certain race or group
After selecting a reason, you will then be presented with a text box, telling you to explain why this person's username/icon/About Me/What I'm Working On fits the reason you selected (or if you selected “other”, you will instead be asked Why this part of the profile is breaking the community guidelines).
I personally find the report profile lacking in specificity. If this were added, it would make the ST's job a bit easier, as they know what to look for when a user has been reported.
Last edited by Yellowsheep43 (Oct. 29, 2021 13:11:35)
- Yellowsheep43
1000+ posts
Improve the "Report Profile" feature
That one talks more about adding more options to report a profile (e.g: Username, Icon, etc.)
This topic focuses more on specifying why a person has reported a specific part of the profile.
Last edited by Yellowsheep43 (Dec. 3, 2020 15:19:14)
- gosoccerboy5
1000+ posts
Improve the "Report Profile" feature
Support. This would make it easier for people to clarify their reports and easier for ST to figure things out.
- iruxgame
100+ posts
Improve the "Report Profile" feature
support. this would make it easier to report users that hide inappropriate text.
- Maximouse
1000+ posts
Improve the "Report Profile" feature
Support. Some other similar suggestions have the problem that people could misuse the report profile button to report something else, but this one doesn't seem to.
- fdreerf
1000+ posts
Improve the "Report Profile" feature
I believe the ST would add something to make their jobs easier if it was necessary. I don't think this is necessary for the same reason why comments don't have specific report options: they're small. A comment is only 500 characters long, so it's easy for a moderator to find out what's wrong with it. The About Me and WIWO are shorter, at a combined length of 250 characters, so a moderator has an easier time finding out what's wrong. A profile picture is, at most on the site, 90 pixels tall and 90 pixels wide, which is still easy to find what's wrong with. A username can be, at most, 20 characters long, and only allows 64 different characters, so it's by far the easiest to see what's wrong with it, yet in your suggestion, it has the most report options? Why??
- Maximouse
1000+ posts
Improve the "Report Profile" feature
most report options? Why??You might want to report something that isn't obviously inappropriate. I believe the ST would add something to make their jobs easier if it was necessary. I don't think this is necessary for the same reason why comments don't have specific report options: they're small. A comment is only 500 characters long, so it's easy for a moderator to find out what's wrong with it. The About Me and WIWO are shorter, at a combined length of 250 characters, so a moderator has an easier time finding out what's wrong. A profile picture is, at most on the site, 90 pixels tall and 90 pixels wide, which is still easy to find what's wrong with. A username can be, at most, 20 characters long, and only allows 64 different characters, so it's by far the easiest to see what's wrong with it, yet in your suggestion, it has the
- fdreerf
1000+ posts
Improve the "Report Profile" feature
Yes, in that case, use Contact Us. They only take forever to respond to unimportant things, but only a few hours to respond to things like reports. I think that if the moderators were unhappy with the system, it would probably not take 13 years to improve it. You might want to report something that isn't obviously inappropriate.
Last edited by fdreerf (Dec. 3, 2020 15:52:55)
- Yellowsheep43
1000+ posts
Improve the "Report Profile" feature
Don't mind me just bumping this topic
- Yellowsheep43
1000+ posts
Improve the "Report Profile" feature
bump again again
The scratch team isn't perfect. It's likely that they missed something. And besides, how is the scratch team supposed to know if User A is impersonating User B if their username is simply reported?
Yes, in that case, use Contact Us. They only take forever to respond to unimportant things, but only a few hours to respond to things like reports. I think that if the moderators were unhappy with the system, it would probably not take 13 years to improve it.
The scratch team isn't perfect. It's likely that they missed something. And besides, how is the scratch team supposed to know if User A is impersonating User B if their username is simply reported?
Last edited by Yellowsheep43 (Dec. 4, 2020 14:02:58)
- Yellowsheep43
1000+ posts
Improve the "Report Profile" feature
B u m p
Last edited by Yellowsheep43 (Dec. 7, 2020 18:10:59)
- fdreerf
1000+ posts
Improve the "Report Profile" feature
Why do you think I wrote the first sentence?Yes, in that case, use Contact Us. They only take forever to respond to unimportant things, but only a few hours to respond to things like reports. I think that if the moderators were unhappy with the system, it would probably not take 13 years to improve it.
The scratch team isn't perfect. It's likely that they missed something. And besides, how is the scratch team supposed to know if User A is impersonating User B if their username is simply reported?
- Yellowsheep43
1000+ posts
Improve the "Report Profile" feature
Yes, in that case, use Contact Us.
Why do you think I wrote the first sentence?
Some scratchers, especially new and young ones, don't know how to use Contact Us. And for those that don't know how Contact Us works past the message sent (like me), it would be a lot more convenient if you can report the profile for a specific reason.
Last edited by Yellowsheep43 (Dec. 7, 2020 15:48:47)
- NanoPIex
500+ posts
Improve the "Report Profile" feature
Maybe add contains personal information in Icon and I`ll support.
- NanoPIex
500+ posts
Improve the "Report Profile" feature
Wdym? Projects can have any .PNG, .JPG, .JPEG, or .SVG image uploaded, use the say () block to say literally anything, and a lot of bad stuff done to it. Profiles are just a username, WIWO, About Me, and picture. If you report it for any of those, it would be “easy” for the Scratch Team to see what's wrong with it.
1000+ posts
Improve the "Report Profile" feature
Why? Just saying “support” or “no support” wouldn't count towards the supporter list. yes \, thatss a gREAT IDEA