Discuss Scratch

48 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

I would also like to say hi as I have been inactive for possibly a year
I now do projects on art!!!!!!!
when green flag clicked
set [awesomeness v] to [90000000]
14 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

hello. i am new to scratch, but i have had some experience with scratch jr. my name is arturo although my username is neale1. if you have any tips then please contact me. thanks, arturo.
2 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

Hi all:

My user is Paxtax, I only create for now 1 project in my original language (Translating to English also ) and a remix of someone project.

Thanks all for this platform

Last edited by Paxtax (April 5, 2017 22:54:58)

5 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

A project of mine got censored ( it was remixed from a project called remix if you care ) because of containing “disturbing images” and assuming that if people didn't remix that they didn't care. Can anyone assure me that this will be ok? I'm very nervous about it.. ): I don't want to get banned and I feel really bad.
100+ posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

lala10580 wrote:

A project of mine got censored ( it was remixed from a project called remix if you care ) because of containing “disturbing images” and assuming that if people didn't remix that they didn't care. Can anyone assure me that this will be ok? I'm very nervous about it.. ): I don't want to get banned and I feel really bad.
Ok, Welp. Everything is going to be ok and they will most likely not ban you. have a nice day _sushi_
2 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

hello ooooo yes oooo yes im triangulo con bermudas i love scratch is awesime scratch os fantastic[
2 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

lala10580 wrote:

A project of mine got censored ( it was remixed from a project called remix if you care ) because of containing “disturbing images” and assuming that if people didn't remix that they didn't care. Can anyone assure me that this will be ok? I'm very nervous about it.. ): I don't want to get banned and I feel really bad.

That is what happen i just got censored and I just remixed that
New Scratcher
500+ posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

lala10580 wrote:

A project of mine got censored ( it was remixed from a project called remix if you care ) because of containing “disturbing images” and assuming that if people didn't remix that they didn't care. Can anyone assure me that this will be ok? I'm very nervous about it.. ): I don't want to get banned and I feel really bad.
They will likely not ban you. If you wish to talk to the scratch team about it, feel free to contact them through “Contact Us” found at the bottom of the page. If you talk to them, they will give you a more specific reason why they censored it. If you contact them, they will see that you are trying to be a good person, and you will definitely not be banned unless you break another guideline later on.
100+ posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

I am not that new. I have been on scratch for 9 months now and I would like to know more.

when this sprite clicked
say [Hi new scratcher's] for (2) secs
New Scratcher
1 post

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

I am completely new to all of this, hoping to learn programming from scratch <– not the website but actually scratch, was recommended that this might help ? , Im at the point where Im learning what to learn, can anyone give me a sense of direction ?
20 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

when green flag clicked
say [Hello] for (5) secs]
play sound [ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha]
14 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum


I'm UTandMLPLover and I would like to welcome all of you to scratch!
14 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum


Last edited by UTandMLPLover (June 17, 2017 17:01:59)

7 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

Can I be a part of this! I love welcoming new scratchers!
New Scratcher
1 post

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

Hola, soy muy nuevo en Scratch pero me cuesta enormemente entender la mecanica de creacion de los programas o juegos. Ese no es el punto. Lo que intento es crear una simulacion de una banda o cinta transportadora (Conveyor belt). Tengo las dos imagenes de 2 engranajes los cuales quiero unir con una cinta o banda transportadora con un angulo de inclinacion de 10,38 grados. Otra cosa que me llama la atencion del software Scratch es que no se puede crear archivos o juegos ejecutables o al menos crear un GIF animado. Si algun hispanoparlante me pudiera ayudar lo agradeceria.
Saludos desde Chile

Carlos Argel Trujillo
6 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

New Scratcher
1 post

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

Newbie to 3.0. Like the colours. Hope we'll still be able to play our old games created on 2.0 (on offline editor?)
19 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

TC01017 wrote:

Hello scratch! I am new and need a bit of help learning everything on this site.

First, use the when green flag clicked block
Next, put a forever loop inside it
After that, put a move 10 steps block in it
Finally, put an if on edge bounce block under it
1000+ posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

discounicorn wrote:

Please tell me how many Projects a day, comments a day, and responding to forums a day you should do, each answer separately.
There is no right or wrong answer. Any activity level is fine.
New Scratcher
2 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

kola2 wrote:

I am not new but… i feel like i should introduce me to the new scratchers

My Name is Kola2
I have been on scratch 1 year now…
And have created lot of projects.
I am a part of the WORLD MMORPG team, and the leader of stoneware inc.

Hello – I'm very new to this forum and do not see the thread for introductions on the welcome page…thanks!

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