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Links to Member-created Websites - Registration no longer required

Hi Folks! You no longer need to register your personal websites here prior to linking to them from Scratch. Please be sure that any links you post follow the Scratch Community Guidelines, the Scratch Terms of Use, and the Policies in our Announcements area. Some common problem areas people tend to overlook:

  1. All content on your site must be appropriate for Scratchers of all ages.
  2. Your site should not be giving out any of your personal information - in the website name, in the “Contact Us” area, in links to social media sites, and so on. Remember that what you post on the internet is very hard to remove.
  3. Your site should not be asking for email addresses - this often happens in the “Contact Us” area.
  4. Your site should not be providing unmoderated communication.
  5. Make sure your site is not downloading anything potentially malicious.
  6. Your site should not be selling anything.

If you see a site that seems to be violating any of these conditions, please use the usual Report buttons on Scratch. Thanks and Scratch On!

Last edited by Paddle2See (June 12, 2020 18:03:08)

Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Links to Member-created Websites - Registration no longer required

It's easy and educational to make your own websites, blogs, forums, chat rooms, private messaging systems, and so on. However, please remember that you are responsible for all material that you link to in Scratch comments and forum posts.

That means that, if you are going to link to your site from Scratch, everything on your site must be appropriate for all-ages and basically follow the same community guidelines and policies as the Scratch site. It can't use inappropriate language or material nor can it give out (or ask for) personal information, such as full names and email addresses. Your site also needs to have good procedures and security features to help you achieve this.

Before advertising your site on the Scratch site, make a post on this topic with a link to your site and give us your promise that you:

1) have read LS97's great guide for some tips on making a successful site

2) will do your best to make sure that the site has only material that is appropriate for all ages and follows the Scratch community guidelines

Here's a sample post:

I have read the security guide and I will do my best to make sure that only material that is appropriate for all ages and follows the Scratch community guidelines appears on my site.

Here is a link to my website that I am registering. Thank you.
This is a handy alphabetic list of links to the registered sites so that our moderators can easily see if a site has made the pledge. You don't have to wait for your site to show up on the list before you can advertise it.

1817030.site123.me by heyitscrystal
31415926535897932384626433832795.weebly.com by 9kiwi9
3dcartoonmodels.com by piXelicidio
4evah.weebly.com by forever-
5e0f6ecdb3e7b.site123.me/ by ComputerCole
57tv.ml by GeorgeBgk
accio1.github.io by -Accio-
admgames.weebly.com by sprands
adri326.890m.com by adri326
adventures.neocities.org by Scratch-Adventures
aerdian.com by Aerdian
afarmakoris.wix.com/simplegames4u by andreasf
agentpieface.weebly.com by Agentpieface
ajsya.github.io by ajsya
alast-ai.github.io by WazzupZ
altion.weebly.com by Altion
amazingtechservices.weebly.com by Devloper123
ameesblog.weebly.com by amee-
anonymouskidprojects.weebly.com by anonymouskid
apple502j.github.io by apple502j
aquariumtankhelp.com/forums by evanb
arinerron.com by arinerron
assc.wp.xdomain.jp by assc
astrologicalgames.weebly.com by Ironbizmark
atomaticgames.weebly.com by AtoMatic
atomsrule.wix.com/boooey1-central by boooey1
sites.google.com/site/audiocollectionshome/home by -AudioCollections-
awesomeoscar57.wixsite.com/mysite by oscarliu2007
awesomeprojectscompany.weebly.com by James07
azetrico.tk by CStafford-14
bandieverything.weebly.com by Amethyst9000
bingoprogramming.weebly.com by LS97
bjatjames.wixsite.com/-home by BJATJames
bkfighter.github.io by BKFighter
blackdragoncrewgaming.weebly.com by Legomaster7015
blaze349.github.io by Blaze349
blobscratch.weebly.com by green23
blobscratch.wikia.com by green23
blocklibrary.weebly.com by zorket
blockxerforums.weebly.com by Devloper123
blockxerscratchmod.weebly.com by Devloper123
blog.funelephant.comuf.com by funelephant
blog.mtiger.tk by MasterOfTheTiger
bob1171.github.io by bobby1171
bob1171.tk by bob1171
bobstudios.org by jamjam195
bonesprogramming.weebly.com by spud2451
boomerscratch.github.io by Boomer001
borntobeawarrior.weebly.com by Waffle27
sites.google.com/site/dtclasslinks/home/brainquiz by diagonaldee
branchblocks.weebly.com by powerpoint56
bsh1.webs.com by BSH1
bybbworld.com by bybb
byob.berkeley.edu by bharvey
byobugs.com by bharvey
bryonthepotato.wordpress.com by CarryTheBox
sites.google.com/site/calculatorcountry by makethebrainhappy
calculatorplus.weebly.com by turkey3
sites.google.com/view/cardboard- by -Cardboard-
cassettesstories.weebly.com by KawaiiCatGirl-
catsunited.gwiddle.co.uk by CatsUnited
chacharosie8888.blogspot.com by chacharosie8888
chestfest.github.io by Inb4
chasmgamer-x.weebly.com by ChasmGamer-X
clodbegaming.wordpress.com by ClodbeGamingNetwork
cloudlygames.weebly.com by Cloudly
clproject.github.io by _CodeLyoko
codearchive.weebly.com by sprands
codeprojects.org/MkJzTx2pGn-esO41sG7ZDrGjgOw-l2KRu7wUpwILW8c/home.html by Joshuay2
sites.google.com/view/coding-kingdom by hellounicorns2
codingmaste.blogspot.com by Joshuay2
codingmaster.codes by Joshuay2
codrsite.weebly.com by Devloper123
coinmanscratch.yolasite.com by coinman
comfortablynumbered.appspot.com by Hardmath123
cosmicsearch.org by IcyCoder
contest101.webs.com by contest101
corndogfairy.weebly.com by TheGameMaster1231
crystal-moons.com by -Neutronic-, Irlius, Voizer, Aepic, and Affinix
cs.berkeley.edu/~bh by bharvey
cs2n.org by CS2N
cse.google.co.jp/cse?cx=013023529154694631736:evlhdbnhuqm by sypu
cymplecy.wordpress.com by SimpleScratch
thimbleprojects.org/darthvader789/133325 by darthvader789
daughtlessgaming.playgrid.com by QuillzToxic
ddijj.github.io by ddijj
deflserver.theforarkld.repl.co by mantachan
sites.google.com/view/deletethisacount/home by DeleteThisAcount
denysalmaral.com by piXelicidio
developermodoki.github.io by Windows1000000_2
dobbsbigbear.github.io/scratch2-tips/help/ja/home.html by DobbsBigbear
dominic03.000webhostapp.com by dominic305
www.dominic03.x10host.com by dominic305
sites.google.com/site/doublethefunthrillcoolness by Julianthewiki
downloads-tngc.weebly.com by THENEWGAMECREATOR
dracaescratch.webs.com by dracae
dragondropdevelopment.blogspot.com by coke11
drkat123.gwiddle.co.uk by DrKat123
drkat123.weebly.com by DrKat123
dream-universe.weebly.com by beyblade4
dudecool557.wix.com/cybercoolgamesblog by dudecool55
edward789121.github.io by edward789121
eh7meow.weebly.com by EH7meow
elementalcode.github.io/elemental by Firedrake969
elementalcode.herokuapp.com by Firedrake969
emmeline.gitlab.io by TheAspiringHacker
epikanddragon.wordpress.com by capt-creaper
epicness123.comxa.com by Epicness123
epicness123.hatenablog.com by Epicness123
epicsite.byethost9.com by Epicness123
epicsportsdude.blogspot.com by sportsdude6
eternityincurakai.com.com by XenoK
evocoding.byethost7.com by LastAttack1257
ev3commander.github.io by ev3coolexit987654
ev3commander.neocities.org by ev3coolexit987654
explore-programming.weebly.com by powerpoint56
explore4.weebly.com by powerpoint56
ezekielelin.com by EzekielE
github.com/FaberSid/scratch-flash by suujikunn
farstone.wix.com/lomnewspages by TheFarEnd
sites.google.com/view/filereqscratch by Filereq
findagametoplay.weebly.com by samalander
firedrake969.weebly.com by Firedrake969
flipped8.wixsite.com by Flipped_
floddle.org by turkey3
flynncooper.com by Reimagine
food-share.weebly.com by Scratch12300
funclub42.com by SUPERSUPERMAN123
funelephant.comuf.com by funelephant
funpot.weebly.com by Wettining
futuresight.org by LS97
gamingfourms.wordpress.com by freedomfryboy
gamescratch.webs.com by ChadtheBuilder
galaxaforums.forumotion.com by coolhogs
gaycurious.weebly.com by apgonscratch
geetransit.tk by GeeTransit
markcbc5f7.clickfunnels.com/gentlecrabs-blog by PrincessFlowerTV
glitchy-scratch.github.io by R4356th
goldenscratchblogs.blogspot.com by golden-scratch
gregorywickham.com by gregory9
gwiddle.org by turkey3
hack-mon5.wixsite.com/scratch-honobono by hack-mon5
hackheadgames.weebly.com by HackHead
halfbakedproductions.weebly.com by scratcher5000
hans5958.gwiddle.com by Hans5958
happylander.weebly.com by Happylander
haydenledean.cf by haydenledean
sites.google.com/view/helpful-how-tos-by-ilu/home by Iluminare
www.catch.jp/heppo-code by Heppocode
hijidora.syuriken.jp by hijidora
hoggpress.weebly.com by powerpoint56
hollyalyssa03.wix.com/ready-set-read by scratchtheaxolotl
sites.google.com/view/i-think-you-had-seen-enough/home by 102039134
iamslinger.users.sourceforge.net by slinger
ibspac.weebly.com by epic1rere101
ice291.weebly.com by IceCube291
iliketocode.github.io/bored by bbciplayer
sites.google.com/view/ilvielabs by MrIlvie
incrofeedback.weebly.com by Jrehd3
infinity-64.github.io/COVID-19 by -Infinity64-
insanity.jvvgindustries.com by jvvg
inventwithscratch.com by AlSweigart
inverted-reality.wikia.com/wiki/Inverted_Reality_Wiki by EventualDecisions
invonline.wixsite.com/pr-sc by PurpleRabbit07
sites.google.com/site/iwotastic by iwotastic
jakel181.blogspot.com by jakel181
jakel181.me by jakel181
jakel181.wordpress.com by jakel181
james07swebsite.weebly.com by James07
jamesd.xyz by cheeseeater
joeonline.wix.com/joessquiggles by Joewheeeeler
joker314.github.io by jokebookservice1
jonathanterminal.weebly.com by JONATHAN1320
jrehd3.github.io by Jrehd3
jumphighgame.com by masonthecoolguy
jumrum1.wixsite.com/thatpotatoarmy by JumRum
jumrum1.wixsite.com/thegamescenter by JumRum
jvvgindustries.com by jvvg
katiecadet.comeze.com by MiaFan2010
kazukunwww.wixsite.com/kuritto by kurittoJp
kbwiki.weebly.com by kieranblackley
kenny2github.github.io by kenny2scratch
kensin3050.web.fc2.com/kensin3050mainpage/kensin3050.html by kensin3050
khanning.com/scratchercontrol by khanning
sites.google.com/view/khaya-goes-up-and-down by whitelily1196
kidsandcomputers.tk by MasterOfTheTiger
kidskode.wordpress.com by PullJosh
kidsratethings.weebly.com by samalander
kilofficial.weebly.com by Kilonap
kingyo-games-ms.com by me-suna
kingyo-land.me-suna.jp by me-suna
konpyuta.web.fc2.com by konpyu-ta
sites.google.com/a/gjk.cz/kotlopou/kotlopou-english by modrapetka
kylesnetwork.yolasite.com by Sonickyle
kyleplo.com by kyleplo
softwarenet.wix.com/kyosuke1024systems by kyosuke1024
lafol.xyz by MrFlash67
lapidus1.wix.com/lapidusonscratch by lapidus
lastattack1257.gwiddle.co.uk by LastAttack1257
launchpencil.ninja-web.net by launchpencil
legnazogames.weebly.com by Legnazo
lesuke.blog.fc2.com by LEGOnosuke
sites.google.com/site/letsmakethebrainhappynet by makethebrainhappy
level10plus.html.xdomain.jp by yuma_jack
level10plus.webcrow.jp by yuma_jack
lexlearn.co.uk by Lexlearn
lockedongames.blogspot.com by LockedOn
logiclab.blog.jp by logic_lab
magicturtle.web44.net by magicturtle1
magixzone.webs.com by TeamMagixZone
majorrom.com by majormax
www.makethebrainhappy.com by makethebrainhappy
sites.google.com/site/martiscratch12 by Martiscratch
maryamhashim.blogspot.com by LemonyLemon14
masterofthetiger.blogspot.com by MasterOfTheTiger
masterofthetiger.tk by MasterOfTheTiger
mathmasteragp.wixsite.com/vip-scratch by cs448113
matthewscratch06.wixsite.com/matthewscratch06 by matthewscratch06
maxxysprogrammingblog.weebly.com/index.html by maxdoss
mazz.ml by ma15fo43
mbafistofdeath.weebly.com by mythbusteranimator
mcanimator3d.weebly.com by MCAnimator3D
mcskinsmc.weebly.com by Pixelater
me.zippynk.com by zippynk
mega987654.neocities.org by Mega987654
megaboy.smackjeeves.com by SuperDoom
sites.google.com/view/megararria by redstonelasher2010
meeplecode.weebly.com by Superdoggy
mikesstuff.gwiddle.co.uk by VoltageGames
mikikoii.wordpress.com by mikikoii
sites.google.com/view/mikitoofficial/%E3%83%9B%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A0?authuser=0 by komugi4969
misc.tbgforums.com/viewforum.php by elfin8er
sites.google.com/site/misteryt1papercrafts by blushbaby
mmdhelp.weebly.com by M1mikyu
modscratch.weebly.com by EMPedemonte20
modshare.org by jvvg
mousegames123.github.io by MouseGames123
mrcomputer1.gwiddle.co.uk by Mrcomputer1
mrcomputer1.tk by Mrcomputer1
mrriptide.github.io by Lego-Lovin-Program
mrsherlockholmes.github.io/scratch-msh by MrSherlockHolmes
music.zippynk.com by zippynk
musichealer.weebly.com by CheckItNow12
my-blocks.appspot.com by tpeera4
myequestria.weebly.com by jukyter
mykbtech.weebly.com by kieranblackley
myscratchminigames.jimdo.com by ScienceGirl21
mysteryandbeachfsblog.wordpress.com by friendship2468
mytinywebsite.weebly.com by Scratch12300
nagacyan.seesaa.net by nagacyan
nambaseking01.github.io by Nambaseking01
namelessjs.github.io/ by mrbumppo
narwhaldragon.wix.com/thissitewithstuff by lilhoginpitt
nerdforums.boards.net by SonicMasterSystem
nexune.weebly.com by Nexune
nishiizu.her.jp by MKLightning
nolanawesome.weebly.com by NolanAwesome
nomogames.weebly.com by Nomolos
numberproto.js.org by VFDan
omnigamedesign.gwiddle.co.uk by OmnipotentPotato
orchidware.wix.com by HipsterRabbit
sites.google.com/view/oswars/home by -Strife-
oswars.tk by jakel181
owetre18.weebly.com by owetre18
P110tech.co.uk by P110
sites.google.com/view/page-takkun0530 by takkun0530
paiteecomics.blogspot.com by malpaitee61
pantherprogramming.weebly.com by sparks
passionall.sdbx.jp/PENHome by -p-e-n-
passionall.tk by YUS10
pcvideogamers.weebly.com by puppetadventurer
peachparfait10.wixsite.com/scna by parfait9
pec123.com by P_E_C
pencilfactorygames.com by PencilFactory
pencilgalleryinc.wikia.com/wiki/PencilGalleryInc_Wikia by PencilGalleryInc
penguin-land.org by GeonoTRON2000
petabluworld.weebly.com by Petablu
pigeonscript.github.io by Saiid
pixainia.weebly.com by Nomolos
pixelate.forumotion.com by coolhogs
planets.cu.cc by Zeusking19
pokecon.gwiddle.co.uk by powercon5
pokemonlandandseaversions.webs.com by popopobob
populationzerocomic.weebly.com by wolvesstar97
poteto143.github.io/Poteto143s_diary by Poteto143
powercon5.gwiddle.co.uk by powercon5
pretty06.edublogs.org by Pretty06
princesspandalover.webs.com by PrincessPandaLover
programia.blogspot.com by Rant
Programming4Kids.info by ProgramForKidsInfo
ptp.x10.mx by Nathanator1416J
pufflegamerz.github.io by pufflegamerz
pulljosh.postach.io by PullJosh
pulljosh.x10.mx by PullJosh
puppymk.net by puppymk
puzzlecubes.wordpress.com by asifjishan
quat1024.github.io by scratchisthebest
qaz1550.tk by qaz1550
quillztoxic.gwiddle.co.uk by QuillzToxic
sites.google.com/view/r4356th by R4356th
rachxyz.wixsite.com/wildsilenthowl000 by wildhowl000
softwarenet.wix.com/railway-search by kyosuke1024
raindrop.cf by rainos
raw-recipes.weebly.com by Scratch12300
redstone2010.github.io/modem-js by redstonelasher2010
reinbakesho.wixsite.com/mysite by rein_animations
ritorudx3.web.fc2.com by RITORUDX3
ritorudx3noscratch.web.fc2.com by RITORUDX3
robo-gamecenter.seesaa.net by robo_24
robo24.seesaa.net by robo_24
roomofbooks.weebly.com by Gagamonster105
rumanti.cf by Rumanti
sansravecountdown.ddns.net by jakel181
sapphireos.webs.com by goldfish678
savethecheese.weebly.com by CheeseMunchy
scar-240e4.firebaseapp.com by yu0712
schooloffunny.com by wayyyy
sciencefairwebsite.weebly.com by RenOkshadia3537
scikcd.blogspot.com by scimonster
scorpionstudios.co.cc by SciTecCf
scratch.cf by djdolphin
scratch.icm.edu.pl by piotr_bala
scratch.missionhere.com by k9lego
scratch-fan.jimdo.com by nori38
scratch-live.forum-express.com by nathan_tanara
scratch-review-paradox-studio.weebly.com by Scratch-Review
scratch-tw.strikingly.com by thinkinviz
scratch-wiki.info by Dmith
scratch2.yolasite.com by Rick3137
scratchanswer.answers.wikia.com by joletole
scratcharchive.cf by technoboy10
scratchbeta.com by -Neutronic-
scratchblob.weebly.com by green23
scratchcard2016.blogspot.ca by zebraislearning
scratchchatter.weebly.com by chongyian
www.scratcher.gq by jun50
scratchersclub.webs.com by SUPERSUPERMAN123
scratcherstutorials.co.cc by PullJosh
scratcherstutorialsforums.co.cc by PullJosh
scratchertks20172018.web.fc2.com/tks20172018sub.html by tks20172018
scratchinscratch.weebly.com by xxscienceboyxx
scratchinspiration.x10.mx by pufflegamerz
scratchinweekly.weebly.com by SilverEagle
scratchonenews.blogspot.com by dov3lyn
scratchovision1986.cf by technoboy10
scratchpress.pcriot.com by ScratchPress
scratchproinventinc.weebly.com by professornutmeg
sites.google.com/view/scratchprojectcentral by coke11
scratchrank.cf by trinary
scratchschool.weebly.com by MCAnimator3D
scratchsig.rf.gd by bob1171
scratchstang.blogspot.com by ScratchStang
scratchstats.cf by PackersRuleGoPack
scratchuniversegame.weebly.com by Devloper123
scripting101.host22.com by daniel_j
sdtricks.sakura.ne.jp/mitsulabo by kiiroinya
segamasters.forumotion.co.uk by stor
sites.google.com/view/self-esteem-blog-of-sorts by mr-scratch-cat
shirubakun.blog.shinobi.jp by SHIRUBAKUN
shirubakun62.wixsite.com/shirubakun-room by SHIRUBAKUN
shunketsu.web.fc2.com by syun6424
silsilmisil.indiesj.com by silsil_misil
sigton.github.io by Sigton
sigtonscratch.wix.com/sigtonweb by Sigton
silversapprentice.github.io by Saiid
silvisoft.weebly.com by LS97
simplisticraftscratch.wordpress.com by jontmy00
skysoulinc.web.fc2.com bychoriss55
snailio-scratch.wixsite.com/home by Carriage
simpldos.webs.com by WindozeNT
sites.google.com/site/slonlinearcade by whizzer
smileycreations15.com by smileycreations15
snap.berkeley.edu by bharvey
spongeacademy.weebly.com by Amethyst9000
sozai1.wixsite.com/sozai by rs1019
stackforums.forumotion.com by chanmanpartyman
stackmod.weebly.com by joletole
starkwafie.wordpress.com by star-kwafie
sites.google.com/view/starmanadvice/home by nickeljorn
stemchallenge.org by STEMChallenge
strifeonscratch.cf by -Strife-
su2014080902.wixsite.com/su2014080902blog by su2014080902
sullivansweet.com by silvershine
www.geocities.ws/sunnybird123/index.html by sunnybird123
sunnysidestudios.webs.com by Nomolos
supermariosunshinescratch.weebly.com by tacky365
sweetiebellederelle.webs.com by SweetieBelleDerelle
swirlworld.us.to by Bsteward
sypu.jimdofree.com by sypu
syun.sc-36.net by syun6424
t-taku.github.io by T-taku
tachyonnz.tumblr.com by MikeRobe
tan-10.github.io by tan-10
tanks-encyclopedia.com by Amazing_Ace
tbgforums.com by jji7skyline
techheaven.gwiddle.co.uk by ninjagolloyd
technoboy10.tk by technoboy10
technoboy10.tumblr.com by technoboy10
technologypainting.com by GreeneHill
tekhne-blog.appspot.com by technoboy10
tenthdimension.weebly.com by CN12
the-ringmaster.neocities.org by The_Ringmaster
sites.google.com/view/the-stickman-site/home by Minescratcher367
the10thdimension.weebly.com by CN12
theadkblog.weebly.com by alldaykade28471
theanimeland.weebly.com by PonyoPenguin
thebenchcomic.weebly.com by tardistimemachine
thecreepermage.stinge.com/home/4589940962 by baileyanddad
theforumhelpers.github.io by -Accio-
thegamerstelegraph.weebly.com by NaturalmotionStudios
thegt.org by GeonoTRON2000
thelandofgaming.weebly.com by blushbaby
theloststudios.weebly.com by thelostgames
themonsterfromthedeep.github.io by TheMonsterOfTheDeep
thenorthernwarrior.github.io/ by mrbumppo
thescratchbrush.weebly.com by Sparf
thescratchifierspot.weebly.com by Scratchifier
thetanager.wix.com/nature-photography by Ananda90
thetekkitmain.wikia.com/wiki/The_Tekkit_Main_Wiki by Zeusking19
theultimatum.tk by TheUltimatum
thew0lfden.weebly.com by ProgrammingPro01
tiki-craft.com by northmeister
timetravelingteacher.cfw.me by shiguy101
titancast.github.io by Hydrabolt
toybox.intforums.com by shiguy101
trigonpaper.wordpress.com by Gravitation
tropical-productions.webstarts.com by Tropic
twentyonedeer.blogspot.com by dov3lyn
tymanweb.weebly.com by Tyman187
typeint.com by scimonster
typeslogicscats.gitlab.io by TheAspiringHacker
sites.google.com/a/shenschools.org/ultra-s by Cyris_Flare
vanjacprojects.weebly.com/3d-terrain-generator.html by randomgamemaker
vanobras.weebly.com by vanobras
veryfungamestoplay.appspot.com by ElementalNinja31
vfdan.github.io by VFDan
vortexlion01.wixsite.com/yellohcattmonthly by Yelloh
vutondesign.com by -Vuton-
warriorbuilds3.blogspot.com by Warriorbuilds3
warriorcatslists.my-free.website by supersuspension
websiteofeverything.net by masonthecoolguy
i-m.mx/Weegee726/batafuri/home.html by Weegee726
weirdgreengoo.weebly.com by Agentpieface
wesley.click by MossW
whovianforever.webs.com by SilverEagle
windows1000000-web.weebly.com by Windows1000000_2
winntsoft.host22.com by WindozeNT
wo997swebsite.wix.com/home by WO997
wonderkiddo.wix.com/loopy by LoopyS
worlow.com by jakechain8
writelikespaghetti.wordpress.com by TheWordWeaver
xenokian.blogspot.com by XenoK
xshiningartistx.weebly.com by xShiningArtistx
yamatokazu.amebaownd.com by kazky
yellowhead.wikia.com/wiki by BullRusterXxl15
yummydirt.com by yummydirt
sites.google.com/view/yzyzyzworld/home by yzyzyz
zimbinski.ninja by qwazwsx
zippynk.com by zippynk
sites.google.com/view/zscript/home?authuser=0 by -llll-

Last edited by cheddargirl (June 30, 2023 01:29:10)

100+ posts

Links to Member-created Websites - Registration no longer required

1000+ posts

Links to Member-created Websites - Registration no longer required

I could have sworn that I'd put my site down…

100+ posts

Links to Member-created Websites - Registration no longer required

Time to register… MOAR WEBSITES!

Firstly, please change geonocraft.thegt.org to geonocraft.net.
Secondly, I also have to register Penguinland.
I have read LS97's Awesome Security Guide and promise to keep my site appropriate for all ages. Here is a Link to my website. Thanks for your time.

EDIT: also please remove shonkey-donkey.tk as I am no longer maintaining it.

Last edited by GeonoTRON2000 (May 6, 2013 03:52:31)

43 posts

Links to Member-created Websites - Registration no longer required

I have a Dutch site, www.riasrias.tk .
48 posts

Links to Member-created Websites - Registration no longer required

100+ posts

Links to Member-created Websites - Registration no longer required

Add my blog!

My blog.

I would've read the guide but I can't view it anymore.

and I don't post innappropriate content. Ever.
100+ posts

Links to Member-created Websites - Registration no longer required

Please add my website
Its for my Minecraft server.
Completely appropriate.

(Image sites like Imageshack are actually VERY innapropriate!)

Last edited by Squawkers13 (May 9, 2013 23:42:26)

41 posts

Links to Member-created Websites - Registration no longer required

The webs.com version of this site is already on this list, but I'll post here to be safe, since the site is being completely remade.


For people who know what it is: yes, SIMPL-DOS is coming back.
500+ posts

Links to Member-created Websites - Registration no longer required

I have read the security guide and I will do my best to make sure that only material that is appropriate for all ages and follows the Scratch community guidelines appears on my site.

Here is a link to my website that I am registering. Thank you.
100+ posts

Links to Member-created Websites - Registration no longer required

I have read the security guide and I will do my best to make sure that only material that is appropriate for all ages and follows the Scratch community guidelines appears on my site.

Here is a link to my website that I am registering.
Thank you.

Last edited by shiguy101 (May 10, 2013 21:37:48)

500+ posts

Links to Member-created Websites - Registration no longer required

I read the great guide, and I pledge to keep my site safe for all ages.
24 posts

Links to Member-created Websites - Registration no longer required

Yeah! The topic was moved!
Anyways, I would like to register Team Silver for the list of member-created websites. I have read re-read LS97's guidelines, & I will always make sure that the website is appropriate for all ages.
500+ posts

Links to Member-created Websites - Registration no longer required

Someone notified me to check this post because of my site, and I wasn't even aware of it.

I've read the guidelines, and none of it really matters because there is no registering on the website. The website I'm registering is at blocklibrary.weebly.com All it does is show you pictures of scripts, supplies a few downloads, and information about the blocks. You can also fill out a survey.

If you want, I will disable the downloads on the website. That part's up to you, but I assure you there is absolutely no malware on this website.

Last edited by zorket (May 12, 2013 22:06:32)

Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Links to Member-created Websites - Registration no longer required

List updated

SuperJedi224 wrote:


Please read the first post for application instructions - there are two pledges you have to make. There's a sample application format that you can follow.

BoltBait wrote:

I could have sworn that I'd put my site down…

Please read the first post for application instructions - there are two pledges you have to make. There's a sample application format that you can follow.

rias wrote:

I have a Dutch site, www.riasrias.tk .
Please read the first post for application instructions - there are two pledges you have to make. There's a sample application format that you can follow.

UltraAdam wrote:

I made this website: http://ultraadamgames.weebly.com/index.html
Please read the first post for application instructions - there are two pledges you have to make. There's a sample application format that you can follow.

Squawkers13 wrote:

Please add my website
Its for my Minecraft server.
Completely appropriate.

Please read the first post for application instructions - there are two pledges you have to make. There's a sample application format that you can follow.

fire219 wrote:

The webs.com version of this site is already on this list, but I'll post here to be safe, since the site is being completely remade.


For people who know what it is: yes, SIMPL-DOS is coming back.

Same as above…please read and follow the instructions in the first post.
1000+ posts

Links to Member-created Websites - Registration no longer required

Can you please register http://fisty.tk/?

As administrator, I promise to keep the site and all of it's subdomains safe for kids of all ages. I will not post anything innappropiate on the site. I have read the guidelines and I will follow them.
34 posts

Links to Member-created Websites - Registration no longer required

I have read the security guide and I will do my best to make sure that only material that is appropriate for all ages and follows the Scratch community guidelines appears on my site.

Here is a link to my website that I am registering. Thank you.
100+ posts

Links to Member-created Websites - Registration no longer required

Hi! I've read LS97's awesome guide, and promise to keep my site completely free of inappropriate content and following the community guidelines. Thanks!

100+ posts

Links to Member-created Websites - Registration no longer required

Okay, I can already agree to #2. I'll read the guide now.

Edit: Done.
I'm already using forumotion's recommended security settings anyway. (plus a few extra tricks like js frame breaking and such)

So: Yes, and yes.

Last edited by SuperJedi224 (May 16, 2013 01:17:58)

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