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500+ posts

| Star Mountain | Currently Trying to Become Active Again |

Star Mountain
Star Mountain is like no ordinary shop… We offer anything, I mean anything that you want! You can order some art or a website for yourself! We also offer a service where we help you with your shop and give monthly reviews! We will also hold fun contests and events, and those can be hosted by you! There is more in plan that will make this shop unique!
We are trying to become active again.
Panda recently just came back from a 2 month haitus so the shop was inactive. We are becoming active again and next week the home page will be finished. We are accepting BoD applications so please apply!

Last edited by PndaGmr978 (Jan. 21, 2021 20:37:01)

500+ posts

| Star Mountain | Currently Trying to Become Active Again |

Star Mountain is a shop, that’s like no ordinary shop. Star Mountain offers anything you want starting from simple art to a website for yourself! We also hold weekly events and contests and those can be hosted by anybody who signs up! Star Mountain has a special service called S.H.M.R. or Shop Help & Monthly Reviews. If you have a new shop and need help, or you just want monthly reviews go here. So, what are you waited for? Go explore the mountain!

Last edited by PndaGmr978 (Jan. 21, 2021 20:39:09)

500+ posts

| Star Mountain | Currently Trying to Become Active Again |

Normal Services
If you want an art piece for your project or something else, you came to the right place! Right now we have 1 worker who specializes in this department!
If your project needs some coding that you don’t know how to do, Star Mountain is the right place to get that! At the moment we have 2 workers who specializes in the Coding Department!
You need a banner you can come to Star Mountain, because we have the best banners here! At the moment we have 2 workers who specializes in this department!
If you need a thumbnail for your studio or project you made the right choice of coming to Star Mountain! Right now we have 1 worker who specializes in the Thumbnail Department.
Your profile picture is getting really old or you don’t have one, you can come here! Right now we have 1 worker who specializes in this department!
You want your project, studio, or shop reviewed… guess what? You came to the right place! Star Mountain has 3 workers who specializes in this department!
Your project, studio, or shop is really good and you want to advertise it, we will gladly do that for you! We have 2 workers who specializes in the Advertising Department!
Forum Code (BBcode, Signatures, etc.)
You need a signature for the forums or you need some BBcode for your shop. (Or something) Star Mountain is the right place for you! At the moment we have 1 worker who specializes in this department!
Star Mountain can write a story, plot, etc. for you! At the moment we 2 workers who specializes in the Writing Department!
If you don’t know what to do you can come to Star Mountain, because we have 1 worker who specializes in the Idea Department!
Image Hosting
You have a picture/banner you want to show on the forums, we can help you with that! Right now we have 1 worker who will convert your pictures into CubeUpload links!
If you’re a worker and you can offer more Normal Services please contact me on my profile!
Unique Services
You want a personal website for yourself or a blog website, you came to the right place! Star Mountain has 1 worker who will make a WIX or Google website for you!
Graphic Design
You need some graphic design for something, you came to the right place! Right now we have 2 workers who are good at graphic design!
If you’re a worker and you can offer more Unique Services please contact me on my profile!

Last edited by PndaGmr978 (Oct. 21, 2020 12:36:23)

500+ posts

| Star Mountain | Currently Trying to Become Active Again |

1. Community Guidelines
1.1. Link to the Community Guidelines.
1.1.1. You can access the Community Guidelines by pressing the underlined “Community Guidelines” or scrolling down to the bottom of your page and pressing “Community Guidelines.”
1.2. Be Respectful.
1.2.1. Remember that people who are different ages, races, genders, etc. see what you can post.
1.3. Be Constructive.
1.3.1 Give suggestions on how to make the order, front page, etc. better.
1.4. Share!
1.4.1. Share your stuff in contests and events!
1.5. Keep personal information private.
1.5.1. “For safety reasons, don't give out any information that could be used for private communication - such as real last names, phone numbers, addresses, email addresses, links to social media sites or websites with unmoderated chat.” - Community Guidelines
1.6. Be honest.
1.6.1. “Don’t try to impersonate other Scratchers, spread rumors, or otherwise try to trick the community.” - Community Guidelines
1.7. Help keep this site friendly.
1.7.1. “If you think a project or comment is mean, insulting, too violent, or otherwise inappropriate, click “Report” to let us know about it.” - Community Guidelines
1.8. If you fail to follow these we will have to report you.
1.8.1. I’m not counting the share and be constructive one, but I recommend doing them when you can.
2. Everybody’s Terms & Conditions
2.1. Do not copy.
2.1.1. Do not copy another order, anything from the front page, etc. You will automatically get reported and put up on the banned list.
2.2. Do not give hate.
2.2.1. Do not give hate to anybody You will get a warning if you give hate, if you get 3 warnings you will get reported and put up on the banned list.
2.3. Do not spam.
2.3.1. Do not spam, make a really long quote chain and refuse to snip it, and/or block spam. If you spam the thread, you will get reported and put on the banned list. If you make a really long quote chain, you will get a warning. If you get 3 warnings you’ll get put up on the banned list. If you block spam you will get a warning. If you get 5 warnings you’ll get put up on the banned list.
2.4. Advertising.
2.4.1. Please look at section 6 in the Terms & Conditions before you advertise.
3. Customer’s Terms & Conditions
3.1. Do not get angry, because our workers didn’t respond right away or your order is overdue.
3.1.1. Our workers come from all over the world and the one who specializes in that department might be sleeping. If you get angry, because of this we will give you a warning. 3 warnings you’ll become banned from the shop
3.1.2. Our workers will work tirelessly to get your order finished at the best quality they can do. That can take a long time. If you get angry, because of this then we will ask you to check up on whoever is doing your order. They might be close to finishing, so don’t worry.
3.2. Do not give a ridiculous deadline.
3.2.1. The minimum time should be at least 3 days after the order has been placed.
3.2.2. You can change your deadline any amount you want (make sure it’s at least 3 days) in the 24 hour time period after your order was placed. After 24 hours you can minimize it by 25% otherwise you can maximize it to anytime you want.
3.2.3. Do not put “ASAP.” If you put “ASAP” your order will never be shown as overdue.
3.2.4. Do “dd/mm/yy” “mm/dd/yy” or “mm dd, yy”
3.3. Give credit.
3.3.1. Do not claim that you made the order when you use. We will ban you from the shop and report you if you don’t give credit.
3.3.2. Only time when you don’t have to give credit is when there’s an event that you don’t have to give credit or the worker said you don’t have to give credit.
3.4. Please, tell us if you want to change anything or redo your order.
3.4.1. You can put this in your review form or you can tell the person to change or redo it.
3.5. Codeword.
3.5.1. If you do not include the codeword in your order form we will put your order in the unqualified section of the UOC.
3.5.2. Do not bold, italic, underline, and/or cross out the codeword.
3.5.3. If your ordering multiple times and including the order forms in the same post. Only put the codeword in the first order form of the post.
3.5.4. The codeword is “Hi, how are you guys doing today/night?”
3.6. Customers don’t have to read further than this.
4. Worker’s Terms & Conditions
4.1. You must be 6+/10 active to work here.
4.1.1. We will not accept your application if you’re not 6+/10 active.
4.2. You must be a worker for a week before you can apply for BoD.
4.2.1. I do this, so you can get an opportunity to see what this shop is like.
4.2.2. The only exception to this term is when there’s nobody is on the BoD.
4.3. Follow the thread.
4.3.1. If you don’t follow the thread you won’t get notified when something happens in the thread.
4.4. Take and complete an order when you can.
4.4.1. We need everybody to complete orders, so we can build up our shop and be a shop.
4.5. Notify the customer if their order is taken, delayed, and finished.
4.5.1. We want the customers to know when their order is going to be finished.
4.5.2. You can also notify them on how the order is going along. Ex. Hi, your order in Star Mountain is almost finished! Expect it today or tomorrow!
4.6. Reply to an activity check in less than a week.
4.6.1. We want every worker in Star Mountain to be active, so we can all contribute to it.
4.6.2. If you don’t respond to an activity check you will get a strike.
4.6.3. If you’re going to be inactive for 4+ days, please use the leave form.
4.6.4. If you’re going to resign, please use the resign form.
4.7. If you get 3 strikes you’re fired.
4.7.1. You can get a strike by not responding to an activity check or not following a term.
4.7.2. You can reapply a week after you’re fired. Please use the reapply form when you do this.
4.8. Codeword.
4.8.1. Please include the codeword in your application form. We will not accept you, but we will tell you to read the Terms & Conditions.
4.8.2. Do not bold, italic, underline, and/or cross out the codeword.
4.8.3. If you’re also going to put your BoD application form in the same post. Please put the codeword on the worker application form.
4.8.4. The codeword is “…”
4.9. Workers don’t have to read further than this.
5. Partners & Federation’s Terms & Conditions
5.1. Partner Agreements.
5.1.1. If you partner with Star Mountain you’re agreeing that your shop can get extra orders from us.
5.1.2. If you partner with Star Mountain you’re agreeing that your shop can give us extra orders.
5.2. Partner Activity Checks.
5.2.1. Every month the PRO of Star Mountain will post in your shop with a partner activity check. If somebody on the BoD doesn’t respond in less than a week, we’ll remove you from our partner list.
5.3. Federation Agreements.
5.3.1. If we sign-up in your federation you’re agreeing that you will help us grow the shop.
5.3.2. If we sign-up in your federation we’re agreeing that we will have to give a portion of the shop for the federation to control. This will only happen if it’s needed in the federation and/or it will help us grow.
5.4. Federation Activity Checks.
5.4.1. Every month the PRO of Star Mountain will check the federation. If nobody posted in the federation in 2 days, then they will post the federation activity check. If somebody on the BoD doesn’t respond in less than a week we’ll remove our shop from the federation.
5.5. 3rd Party Shop Directories.
5.5.1. We will not join any 3rd party shop directories.
5.5.2. We will always stay in The Shopping Mall.
5.6. Codeword for Partnering.
5.6.1. Please include the codeword in your partnership form. We will not accept the partnership if you don’t include it, but we will tell you to read the Terms & Conditions.
5.6.2. Do not bold, italic, underline, or cross out the codeword.
5.6.3. If you’re going to include many partnership applications in one post you’ll just have to put the codeword in the first one.
5.6.4. The codeword is “It’s late at night, so I couldn’t read the Terms & Conditions.”
5.7. Partners don’t have to read further than this.
6. Advertiser’s Terms & Conditions
6.1. Advertisement forms.
6.1.1. The first advertisement form allows you to advertise something once.
6.1.2. The second advertisement form allows you to have 1 month of advertising.
6.2. You cannot advertise without using one of the forms
6.2.1. You will get a warning if you advertise without using one of the forms. If you get 3 warnings, you’re banned from the shop.
6.3. What you can and cannot advertise.
6.3.1. You can advertise anything that belongs in the forums.
6.3.2. You can’t advertise stuff that don’t belong in the forums. If you advertise those your advertising permissions will disappear if you have them. If you advertise those you cannot advertise for a week if you don’t have the advertising permissions.
6.4. Codeword for advertising.
6.4.1. We have the same Codeword for both forms.
6.4.2. We will not accept the form to have advertising permissions for a year if you don’t include the codeword.
6.4.3. You will not be able to advertise for a week if you do not include the codeword in your one time advertisement form.
6.4.4. Do not bold, italic, underline, or cross out the codeword.
6.4.5. If you’re using the one time advertisement form and putting 2 or more in the same post, then only put the codeword in the first one.
6.4.6. The codeword is “Is it a nice day/night?”
7. Other’s Terms & Conditions
7.1. Right now we have nothing in this section. Please check back later to see if there’s anything here.

Last edited by PndaGmr978 (Oct. 10, 2020 19:51:05)

500+ posts

| Star Mountain | Currently Trying to Become Active Again |

Forms for Customers
Order Form
What Service:
Description (Be Detailed):
Where Would You Like to be Notified:
Have you Read the Terms & Conditions:
Customer Survey
Who did Your Order:
Overall Rating:
Forms for Workers
Application Form
Normal Services you can be in:
Normal Services you can be in that are not Listed:
Unique Services you can be in:
Unique Services you can be in that are not Listed:
Normal Services Examples:
Unique Services Examples:
Why do you Want to be a Worker Here:
Have you Read the Terms & Conditions:
BoD Application Form
BoD Position You Want:
Why do you want to be on the BoD:
Have you Read the Terms & Conditions:
Leave Form
How Long:
Resign Form
Forms for Partners
Partnership Form
Owner of the Shop Username:
Services the Shop Does:
Why do you Want to be Partners:
Link to Shop:
Have you Read the Terms & Conditions:
Forms for Advertisers
One Time Advertisement
Banner (If there is one):
Have you Read the Terms & Conditions:
1 Month of Advertising Form
Have you Advertised here Before:
Have you Read the Terms & Conditions:

Last edited by PndaGmr978 (Oct. 10, 2020 19:51:28)

500+ posts

| Star Mountain | Currently Trying to Become Active Again |

About the BoD Positions
Founder: Complete control over the shop.
President: Has almost complete control over the shop. Cannot close the shop. You need to be on 100% trusted by the founder to get the position.
Vice President: Almost complete control over the shop and assists the President. Cannot make a new term without permission from the President or Founder. You have to be 100% trusted by the President and Founder to get this position.
2nd Vice President: Same exact thing as Vice President. You also have to be 100% trusted by the President and Founder to get this position.
Chairman: Calls board meetings, hosts votes, and will only vote in event of a tie.
Public Relations Officer: Accepts partnerships, signs the shop up to federations, and makes sure the partners and federations are active.
Secretary: Calls activity checks and will make sure the UOC is working.
Assistant Secretary: Assists the Secretary.
Founder: PndaGmr978
President: douhnutdavid
Vice President: None
2nd Vice President: None
Chairman: None
Public Relations Officer: None
Secretary: None
Assistant Secretary: None

Last edited by PndaGmr978 (Oct. 10, 2020 19:51:55)

500+ posts

| Star Mountain | Currently Trying to Become Active Again |

Symbol Key
* = A Strike
^ = On Leave
@PndaGmr978 - Art, Coding, Banners, Thumbnails, Logos/PFPs, Reviewing, Advertising, Forum Code, Writing, Ideas, Image Hosting, Websites, and Graphic Design.
@douhnutdavid ^ - Advertising, Reviewing, and Graphic Design.
@amiable_dolphin - Banners.
@mysterious-neutron - Coding, Reviewing, and Writing.

Last edited by PndaGmr978 (Jan. 24, 2021 02:59:13)

500+ posts

| Star Mountain | Currently Trying to Become Active Again |

When you sign-up to become a worker you can be put into the trainee program. You can be put into the trainee program if they think your work isn’t good enough, but don’t worry if that happens. If you get put into the trainee program one of our best workers who specializes in the department will teach you. There will be 1-2 weeks of learning, 2 weeks of completing 5 pretend orders, and you will have to complete 5 orders in the actual shop. Once you did all of this and your mentor thinks you’re ready, then you will graduate from the trainee program!

Last edited by PndaGmr978 (Oct. 10, 2020 19:52:34)

500+ posts

| Star Mountain | Currently Trying to Become Active Again |

✨ Scratch’s 1st Annual Art Contest! ✨ Banner
By: @PndaGmr978 For: @Angel_Coder919

Last edited by PndaGmr978 (Oct. 10, 2020 19:52:54)

500+ posts

| Star Mountain | Currently Trying to Become Active Again |

500+ posts

| Star Mountain | Currently Trying to Become Active Again |

500+ posts

| Star Mountain | Currently Trying to Become Active Again |

T.I.P.S. 2.0
By: @congyingzhouWe offer all kinds of stuff!!! ⚡️⚡️ ✅✅ Biggest open shop on Scratch currently. 2 years of memories! <3 500+ pages!~

Last edited by PndaGmr978 (Oct. 10, 2020 19:53:28)

500+ posts

| Star Mountain | Currently Trying to Become Active Again |

500+ posts

| Star Mountain | Currently Trying to Become Active Again |

Banner for Partners & Federations to Use -
BUMP! Banner -
Directory -
[color=#354c7c]|| [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/431204/?page=1#post-4325457][color=#354c7c][u]First Post[/u][/url] || [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/431204/?page=1#post-4325459][color=#354c7c][u]About[/u][/url] || [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/431204/?page=1#post-4325463][color=#354c7c][u]Services[/u][/url] || [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/431204/?page=1#post-4325464][color=#354c7c][u]Terms & Conditions[/u][/url] || [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/431204/?page=1#post-4325468][color=#354c7c][u]Forms[/u][/url] || [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/431204/?page=1#post-4325470][color=#354c7c][u]BoD[/u][/url] || [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/431204/?page=1#post-4325473][color=#354c7c][u]Workers[/u][/url] || [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/431204/?page=1#post-4325479][color=#354c7c][u]Trainee Info[/u][/url] || [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/431204/?page=1#post-4325483][color=#354c7c][u]Portfolio[/u][/url] || [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/431204/?page=1#post-4325486][color=#354c7c][u]S.H.M.R. Info (Shop Help & Monthly Reviews)[/u][/url] || [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/431204/?page=1#post-4325491][color=#354c7c][u]Shops in S.H.M.R.[/u][/url] || [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/431204/?page=1#post-4325493][color=#354c7c][u]Partners & Federations[/u][/url] || [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/431204/?page=1#post-4325496][color=#354c7c][u]Contest & Events[/u][/url] || [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/431204/?page=1#post-4325499][color=#354c7c][u]Links[/u][/url] || [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/431204/?page=1#post-4325502][color=#354c7c][u]Credits[/u][/url] || [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/431204/?page=1#post-4325506][color=#354c7c][u]Temporary UOC[/u][/url] || [url=https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/topic/431204/?page=1#post-4325504][color=#354c7c][u]Other[/u][/url] ||[/color][/quote][/quote][/center]

Last edited by PndaGmr978 (Oct. 10, 2020 19:53:58)

500+ posts

| Star Mountain | Currently Trying to Become Active Again |

500+ posts

| Star Mountain | Currently Trying to Become Active Again |

500+ posts

| Star Mountain | Currently Trying to Become Active Again |

500+ posts

| Star Mountain | Currently Trying to Become Active Again |

500+ posts

| Star Mountain | Currently Trying to Become Active Again |

500+ posts

| Star Mountain | Currently Trying to Become Active Again |

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