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59 posts

Better Costume Editor tools.

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Since I am a scratcher who does animations, I use the costume editor a LOT. One problem, the tools on the costume editor have been really hard to work with. I thought that it would be fixed in the latest Costume Editor Update, However there was only the addition of a centerpiece that makes your drawing centered. Wile I do like that update, it didn't fix as many things as I would have liked. I just think that the Costume Editing tools need to be edited so that they can be more comfortable.

Last edited by Galactic_Coder_9000 (July 16, 2020 00:59:02)

100+ posts

Better Costume Editor tools.

How can they change it to be more comfortable?
59 posts

Better Costume Editor tools.

I think that they should be more mouse or computer friendly. for example, instead of making the “paint” tool so sensitive, maybe we could make it less sensitive. also, the paint dumper is hard (and rarely) used. I also think that we should make more tools too. Like stop-motion-animation. This maybe too hard to add, but this is just a suggestion. I think that since many people have different art styles, we should expand on Vector and Bitmap. We don't even have to add a new tool, just a way to make the controls more comfortable.
100+ posts

Better Costume Editor tools.

I agree that the paint dumper (paint filler, bucket, etc.) is not very good, as normally people assume that it is used to “fill” a rectangle made with lines or something, even though nothing happens if you click on the checkerboard screen.

Stop motion is probably how animating even works, except in real life they take pictures. I don't really see how a stop-motion thing tool would work, as Scratch's animations are based off either stop motion with costumes, or using motion blocks.
59 posts

Better Costume Editor tools.

The reason that I don't use the paint bucket is because if you put a line through a circle, then use the paint bucket, it will fill the entire circle, not just the part in the lines.
18 posts

Better Costume Editor tools.

I think there should be more fading tools
59 posts

Better Costume Editor tools.

That is an AMAZING idea!!!
59 posts

Better Costume Editor tools.

If anybody has any other ideas, you can post them right here!
100+ posts

Better Costume Editor tools.

Hatsune_Miku99 wrote:

I think there should be more fading tools
That's true. Currently you can only fade between two colour/colors, and it would be great if you could do more than that. I'm not sure if it is similar enough to this topic to be in it, but more fading options should be added.
59 posts

Better Costume Editor tools.

Also, maybe you could have a Blending tool! You could control it with your mouse!
59 posts

Better Costume Editor tools.

Any more Ideas? Because there are 50 views so far, so 50 people and 50 different minds leading to an Infinite amount of ideas!!!
59 posts

Better Costume Editor tools.

Maybe just maybe there could be some blocks to go with the animation. Like tweens. That's a thing that I call it anyway. Tweens work like this, if you draw a square in the upper right corner in one costume, and then in the next you draw that same square in the bottom left corner, then used a tween block, the computer would predict what happens, so then the square would glide/move from the upper right corner to the bottom left corner.

Tween Costumes [ 1] and [ 2]

Last edited by Galactic_Coder_9000 (July 16, 2020 01:59:41)

59 posts

Better Costume Editor tools.

There could also be a very complex morph block, but I don't think that would be added. But anyway, they work kind of like tweens just if you draw a circle in one costume then a square in another, then the circle would morph into a square!

Morph Costume [ 1] into [ 2]

Last edited by Galactic_Coder_9000 (July 16, 2020 13:04:04)

59 posts

Better Costume Editor tools.

I think that this idea could make drawing easier and helpful.
59 posts

Better Costume Editor tools.

So please! Can there be a new paint editor update (Costume editor). If anyone has anymore ideas, just post them here!
59 posts

Better Costume Editor tools.

And if you don't have any ideas, just say that you support a new update. I hope that this update can make the controls easier. I have another idea that could help.

Fullscreen: We should be able to have a fullscreen to we can see the complete picture and make drawing more accurate.

Zooming in and out: I know that you can easily just press the buttons to zoom in and out, however, why can't we let finger controls go into fullscreen. For example, I should be able to spread my fingers out and it will zoom in. This is kind of like the costume creator in Scratch Jr.. And I see no reason for Scratch Jr's costume editor to be better than Scratch's
1000+ posts

Better Costume Editor tools.

mightybrayan wrote:

Hatsune_Miku99 wrote:

I think there should be more fading tools
That's true. Currently you can only fade between two colour/colors, and it would be great if you could do more than that. I'm not sure if it is similar enough to this topic to be in it, but more fading options should be added.
We can finally do rainbow gradients with that without having to spend 10 minutes on it. Support!
100+ posts

Better Costume Editor tools.

Hey! Please do not ask for others’ ideas in your topic. If they have other suggestions that are not extremely related, they can make their own topic.

Also, if you have had more ideas after posting, first, make sure if they are related, then, edit the original post to add them instead of making new posts.
59 posts

Better Costume Editor tools.

HighFlyer222 wrote:

Hey! Please do not ask for others’ ideas in your topic. If they have other suggestions that are not extremely related, they can make their own topic.

Also, if you have had more ideas after posting, first, make sure if they are related, then, edit the original post to add them instead of making new posts.

I was meaning some ideas related to some tools in the costume editor. But yes, if the ideas are not related to new tools and making the costume editor more efficient then please make your own topic. Thank you for support!
100+ posts

Better Costume Editor tools.

Although I agree with the above, surely if you're doing complicated art you should use an appropriate piece of software, both the Gimp and Paint.net are free and pretty powerful. Just do you graphics in those and upload?

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