Discuss Scratch

50 posts

Blocks I wanted and why they are a bad idea.

Okay. This is what people call a “crazy idea”. Note that this is all my idea. I am not criticizing other people's ideas.
1. Link blocks
Follow link [scratch.mit.edu]
can you imagine if you can make an entire new tab out of a single block?? Too bad. This will use up too much space and can be used for trolling people by using the following script:
repeat (10)
Follow link (site)
2. follow user block
follow user

follow [Pikalexander]
This block makes life very convenient. You can make a follow button sprite that says
when this sprite clicked
follow user
But again, this can be used to cheat followers. You can make a script that says
when green flag clicked
follow user
3. Download blocks
download [Blocks I wanted and why they are a bad idea.txt v]

download [Sprite1 v]

download [costume1 v]
This is one of my favorite blocks to talk about.
Now imagine you expect playing a game of MINER and you click the flag and suddenly there is virus installed into your computer! This can start crimes in Scratch and can be made to target people you simply don't like.
when green flag clicked
if <(username) = [huntedskelly]> then
download [void.vbs v]
plz note I do not hate huntedskelly I just thought he would be a great example because he made the Unfamous.
4. Class Hat blocks
define Class pokemon
well, first off, this is useless because you can simply use a clone.

Last edited by Pikalexander (June 29, 2020 22:45:20)

1000+ posts

Blocks I wanted and why they are a bad idea.

Sorry, but this isn't a suggestion. I'll ask a moderator for this to be closed.
1000+ posts

Blocks I wanted and why they are a bad idea.

This seems like it's just criticizing users' supporting. Please make sure you be respectful on the forums.
1000+ posts

Blocks I wanted and why they are a bad idea.

Super_Scratch_Bros20 wrote:

This seems like it's just criticizing users' supporting. Please make sure you be respectful on the forums.
50 posts

Blocks I wanted and why they are a bad idea.

Super_Scratch_Bros20 wrote:

This seems like it's just criticizing users' supporting. Please make sure you be respectful on the forums.
is it? I didn't take any ideas. this was all my idea. I thought of this all by myself. I thought you would show more support. Also, I was not being disrespectful to anyone and you know that. Don't ask to be reported and that is final.
1000+ posts

Blocks I wanted and why they are a bad idea.

Pikalexander wrote:

Super_Scratch_Bros20 wrote:

This seems like it's just criticizing users' supporting. Please make sure you be respectful on the forums.
is it? I didn't take any ideas. this was all my idea. I thought of this all by myself. I thought you would show more support. Also, I was not being disrespectful to anyone and you know that. Don't ask to be reported and that is final.
Oh. But this still isn't a suggestion. Reporting (again) to be closed.
1000+ posts

Blocks I wanted and why they are a bad idea.

Pikalexander wrote:

Super_Scratch_Bros20 wrote:

This seems like it's just criticizing users' supporting. Please make sure you be respectful on the forums.
is it? I didn't take any ideas. this was all my idea. I thought of this all by myself. I thought you would show more support. Also, I was not being disrespectful to anyone and you know that. Don't ask to be reported and that is final.

Ah, misunderstood. I thought that you were trying to criticize other users' supports.

However, I'm not sure that making a list of things you don't support is fit for this forum. I'll ask a moderator if this is fit for the forums. (Don't worry; you're not in trouble.)


1. Duplicate.
2. Probably not a duplicate.
3. Also probably not a duplicate.
4. Ditto of #2 and #3.

I don't think that this topic is fit for the forum.

Last edited by Super_Scratch_Bros20 (June 29, 2020 22:51:47)

50 posts

Blocks I wanted and why they are a bad idea.

zedthehedgehog wrote:

Pikalexander wrote:

Super_Scratch_Bros20 wrote:

This seems like it's just criticizing users' supporting. Please make sure you be respectful on the forums.
is it? I didn't take any ideas. this was all my idea. I thought of this all by myself. I thought you would show more support. Also, I was not being disrespectful to anyone and you know that. Don't ask to be reported and that is final.
Oh. But this still isn't a suggestion. Reporting (again) to be closed.
This can be a suggestion of what not to add, don't you think? Not everything has to be requesting to add to be a suggestion.
1000+ posts

Blocks I wanted and why they are a bad idea.

Pikalexander wrote:

zedthehedgehog wrote:

Pikalexander wrote:

Super_Scratch_Bros20 wrote:

This seems like it's just criticizing users' supporting. Please make sure you be respectful on the forums.
is it? I didn't take any ideas. this was all my idea. I thought of this all by myself. I thought you would show more support. Also, I was not being disrespectful to anyone and you know that. Don't ask to be reported and that is final.
Oh. But this still isn't a suggestion. Reporting (again) to be closed.
This can be a suggestion of what not to add, don't you think? Not everything has to be requesting to add to be a suggestion.
Well, the Suggestions to add features to scratch. Not a list of Suggestions to not do. That's for the Official List of Rejected Suggestions
1000+ posts

Blocks I wanted and why they are a bad idea.

zedthehedgehog wrote:

Well, the Suggestions to add features to scratch. Not a list of Suggestions to not do. That's for the Official List of Rejected Suggestions

Not exactly. The list is a list of frequently suggested blocks that have previously been rejected.

However, imagine if everyone made a new topic to say “Don't support this!”

Yep, I'll leave. But this'll probably get closed soon.

Last edited by Super_Scratch_Bros20 (June 29, 2020 23:04:59)

50 posts

Blocks I wanted and why they are a bad idea.

zedthehedgehog wrote:

Well, the Suggestions to add features to scratch. Not a list of Suggestions to not do. That's for the Official List of Rejected Suggestions
still not buying it. Now stop or let me wish there is a mute button in discuss
50 posts

Blocks I wanted and why they are a bad idea.

Super_Scratch_Bros20 wrote:

imagine if everyone made a new topic to say “Don't support this!”
that doesn't sound too bad to me. Now let me do my studies quietly.
1000+ posts

Blocks I wanted and why they are a bad idea.

Pikalexander wrote:

zedthehedgehog wrote:

Well, the Suggestions to add features to scratch. Not a list of Suggestions to not do. That's for the Official List of Rejected Suggestions
still not buying it. Now stop or let me wish there is a mute button in discuss
Sorry if I'm annoying.

I'll just leave scratch then.

Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Blocks I wanted and why they are a bad idea.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts! However, this is the area for Suggestions - not “anti-Suggestions”

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