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(This is not for REAL scratch blocks. they are just for forums.)

i have a question, where is this topic suppost to be?

You can make the scratch blocks with different colors besides red
You NEED :: in there.

Looking like real scratch blocks like
move (10) steps

first click the block icon and leave it.
next, the block name, inputs etc.
Optional, put EX. :: cap, ::hat in it.
last, enter ex. ::motion in next to the block name. (if boolean, type the :: operators (or other) in it.) you can also put ::grey.

Hi!::hat looks
Bye!::cap grey

Using Hex (The hex codes might be confusing though.)
first click the block icon and leave it.
next, enter :: next to the block name (if boolean, type the :: in it.)
After the :: put # then the hex code.

the Blue Kirby block in my signature uses the hex code #009dff
Blue Kirby::#009dff


Last edited by jaiden105 (May 9, 2020 02:28:37)

New Scratcher
6 posts

Share Your own forum blocks!

I'm not sure cuz I haven't been on this site in years but I think there's already a topic that overs this here. Correct me if I'm wrong tho.
1000+ posts

Share Your own forum blocks!

OneOfUsAll wrote:

I'm not sure cuz I haven't been on this site in years but I think there's already a topic that overs this here. Correct me if I'm wrong tho.
You are correct!

Yes, please use the official ScratchBlocks Testing Topic (in the link above) for testing out the ScratchBlocks plugin.

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