Discuss Scratch
- dhfbei8987
1000+ posts
Remove "my variable" variable
Semi support, you could just rename it.
King of the page and page 4 no edit
King of the page and page 4 no edit
- Totodile_star
500+ posts
Remove "my variable" variable
it barely has a usage
it barely has a usage
100+ posts
Remove "my variable" variable
I don't get why there's hate for the default variable.
100+ posts
Remove "my variable" variable
You can literally rename it anything I don't understand what all the fuss is aboutto what? variable1? Semi support, you could just rename it.
King of the page and page 4 no edit
- gosoccerboy5
1000+ posts
Remove "my variable" variable
where? lol We should have an option for it not to be added.
- GunesKing
100+ posts
Remove "my variable" variable
Why bother? It's hided anyways. Names don't differ, colors wouldn't change, so…..
Last edited by GunesKing (April 5, 2021 08:12:02)
- Queer_Royalty
1000+ posts
Remove "my variable" variable
Although this may be annoying for experienced Scratchers, New-to-coding Scratchers might be more likely to notice it if there is an ‘experimental variable there.’ A solution may be making it go away after the user has made 60+ projects or, better yet, an option to turn it off and on in account settings.