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1000+ posts

Translated suggestions from French

Last update: November 19th 2018
Please don't make your suggestions here, make a new topic. This topic is for suggestions that have been translated from the french forums only. To avoid any possible doubts, a list of translators that aren't me can be found at the bottom of this post.

Hi! So, recently, a topic on the French forums has been “stickied”. The title is somewhat self-explanatory; the topic is supposed to gather suggestions from all around the community.
We doubt the Scratch Team would often go on the french forums, on that topic, and translate every single suggestion. So since I'm fluent in both languages, I'll make sure to often update this topic by adding new suggestions translated from french (as well as specifying whose idea that was), and translate some replies back to the french forums.
For furthermore information, ask @Loquax (preferably) or me.

Moved the full list of translated suggestions to page 2, loading all the scratchblocks would get annoying.

List of translators

Me / @2005200439 / @Loquax

Last edited by NilsTheBest (Nov. 19, 2018 18:10:12)

500+ posts

Translated suggestions from French

Good idea! I will follow this topic. If some of us reply with questions/thoughts about the suggestions, will you translate them back as well?
1000+ posts

Translated suggestions from French

birdoftheday wrote:

Good idea! I will follow this topic. If some of us reply with questions/thoughts about the suggestions, will you translate them back as well?
Ideally, yes

Last edited by NilsTheBest (March 1, 2019 20:20:44)

100+ posts

Translated suggestions from French

Great idea. I understand you've got all the FPC stuff to do as well as this.
1000+ posts

Translated suggestions from French

NightSpeakers wrote:

Great idea. I understand you've got all the FPC stuff to do as well as this.
Yes, it keeps me very busy x)

Last edited by NilsTheBest (Nov. 8, 2018 17:27:40)

1000+ posts

Translated suggestions from French

Suggestion from @MaximeThiel
I'm suggesting a new block to be implemented.
I am pretty sure that everyone already knows this:
stop all sounds

But wouldn't the block
stop sound [ v] :: sound
also be practical, in some cases?

Last edited by NilsTheBest (Nov. 8, 2018 18:43:43)

1000+ posts

Translated suggestions from French

Suggestion from @2005200439
There should be a button named “Under renovation”, when a published project is being maintained, whether it's to fix bugs or add new things. It could be near the “Work in progress” button, and it could let users know why the project isn't working or why there is a bug.
1000+ posts

Translated suggestions from French

Suggestion from @MaximeThiel
I'm suggesting a new block to be implemented.
I am pretty sure that everyone already knows this:
stop all sounds

But wouldn't the block
stop sound [ v]
also be practical, in some cases?
Brilliant idea! This can help with songs being played and sfx also being played at the same time, that way you can stop only the sfx and keep the music rolling.

Suggestion from @2005200439
There should be a button named “Under renovation”, when a published project is being maintained, whether it's to fix bugs or add new things. It could be near the “Work in progress” button, and it could let users know why the project isn't working or why there is a bug.
This would be so useful! WIP mostly means it's in a sorta beta point instead of it being released and only being under maintenance.
1000+ posts

Translated suggestions from French

Suggestion from @2005200439
New block ideas:
((...) [first v] [letters v] de [Something]:: operators)
((...) [last v] elements of [list v]:: list)

This would be useful to avoid:

(join (join (join (join (join [] []) []) []) []) [])
1000+ posts

Translated suggestions from French

Music suggestions!

Suggestion from @orlan03
For noteblocks, it would be useful if there were chords:

Play notes (...)(...)(...) at the same time for (0.5) beats ::sound
Edit by NTB: actually, doesn't this have a simple workaround? Just thought of a system

Suggestion from @Itharius
More than chords, I'd like it if we could play a certain frequence
Play (...) hertz for (...) beats :: sound

Last edited by NilsTheBest (Nov. 11, 2018 20:37:35)

1000+ posts

Translated suggestions from French

Are any of the suggestions taken in consideration? I don't see any replies?
1000+ posts

Translated suggestions from French

NilsTheBest wrote:

Music suggestions!

Suggestion from @orlan03
For noteblocks, it would be useful if there were chords:

Play notes (...)(...)(...) at the same time for (0.5) beats ::sound
Edit by NTB: actually, doesn't this have a simple workaround? Just thought of a system

Suggestion from @Itharius
More than chords, I'd like it if we could play a certain frequence
Play (...) hertz for (...) beats :: sound
These would be nice, support. Then we can make water flow backwards xD

NilsTheBest wrote:

Are any of the suggestions taken in consideration? I don't see any replies?
The last 2 I just didn't really understand until now xD
1000+ posts

Translated suggestions from French

StrangeMagic32 wrote:

NilsTheBest wrote:

Are any of the suggestions taken in consideration? I don't see any replies?
The last 2 I just didn't really understand until now xD
I know, I was just wondering if there was someone else than you replying
1000+ posts

Translated suggestions from French

NilsTheBest wrote:

I know, I was just wondering if there was someone else than you replying
oh, lol… xD
Yeah idk about that…
100+ posts

Translated suggestions from French

Motion blocks for variables and lists:
move (5) steps the variable [SCORE v]:: variables
glide (5) seconds the variable [SCORE v] to x (0) y (0):: variables

New styles of pen (eraser, pencil…) :
set style of pen to [eraser v]:: pen

An event block :
when <>:: events :: hat

Others keys :
<key [& v] pressed?>
<key [+ v] pressed?>
<key [ctrl v] pressed?>

Variables for look effects:
(effect [ghost v]:: looks)

A variable who know the place of a letter in a word :
(place of [e] in [Hello]:: operators)

A block who set all scripts, sounds (or others) on “pause”, then on “play” :
set [all scripts v] on [pause v]:: control

Last edited by Medericoder (Nov. 12, 2018 17:00:39)

1000+ posts

Translated suggestions from French

2005200439 wrote:

Merci bcp pour les traductions! Ça m'aide énormément vu à quel point je suis débordé en ce moment
100+ posts

Translated suggestions from French

NilsTheBest wrote:

Merci bcp pour les traductions! Ça m'aide énormément vu à quel point je suis débordé en ce moment
Je comprends, attends, je vais t'en faire d'autres…
1000+ posts

Translated suggestions from French

2005200439 wrote:

NilsTheBest wrote:

Merci bcp pour les traductions! Ça m'aide énormément vu à quel point je suis débordé en ce moment
Je comprends, attends, je vais t'en faire d'autres…
Réponse rapide
Je vais rajouter une liste des traducteurs dans le poste original ^^
1000+ posts

Translated suggestions from French

Updated the OP
100+ posts

Translated suggestions from French

A block “Bounce” and not “If on edge, bounce” :
bounce:: motion

A blocks who know the number of connections in a project for an user :
(connections in this projects for [LeGnocchi]:: sensing)

A block who not wait after a question :
Ask [What's your name?]:: sensing

A variable who know the motion of the mouse pointer :
(speed of mouse pointer:: sensing)

Change the block “round” to we have the choice of the Numbers after the comma :
(round (7.25) to [tenths v]:: operators)

A block who set a sprite to a layer :
go to the layer (2):: looks

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