Discuss Scratch
- Crow_Boy08
1000+ posts
Remove cloud variables
Certified NO SUPPORT (you know why)
Edit: King of the page
Edit: King of the page
Last edited by Crow_Boy08 (June 25, 2022 18:42:49)
- ScolderCreations
1000+ posts
Remove cloud variables
That's not constructive. Certified NO SUPPORT (you know why) Edit: King of the page
- Crow_Boy08
1000+ posts
Remove cloud variables
Everyone knows why this topic got no supportedThat's not constructive. Certified NO SUPPORT (you know why) Edit: King of the page
- cannedkoolaid
100+ posts
Remove cloud variables
Bruh, it’s inconstructive though. And you shouldn’t just repeat what others have said. That’s also inconstructive.Everyone knows why this topic got no supportedThat's not constructive. Certified NO SUPPORT (you know why) Edit: King of the page
Last edited by cannedkoolaid (June 25, 2022 18:54:58)
- weloveipad1
17 posts
Remove cloud variables
No, this is going to break a ton of projects
- ScratchCat1038
1000+ posts
Remove cloud variables
Is this not rejected? https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/discuss/post/5681269/
It would be very disruptive to suddenly remove the cloud variable feature. Sure, it can be glitchy at times, but it works well enough that a lot of Scratchers use it for their projects.
- MagentaDude1359
100+ posts
Remove cloud variables
Well tons of Scratchers use encoding and decoding for multiplayer games and high scores so I think we should keep them because if we didn’t it would send Scratch into chaos basically. Cloud variables are nice features, but they are not as useful as they used to be. Here are the restrictions set in place for using cloud variables:With all these restrictions put in place, what is the point of even having cloud variables any more? Also, Cloud variables are not very good for education, since they do not teach databases very well.
- Cloud variables are only available to online full-Scratchers.
- Cloud variables can only store digits 0 to 9, and possibly the ‘-’ and ‘.’ characters.
- Cloud variables are limited to a length of 128 characters at maximum.
- Projects can have only 10 cloud variables at most.
- randomguy3513
1000+ posts
Remove cloud variables
No support that is gonna allow private chatting what is rejected twice Semi-support but instead of removing them:
pretend this is the opI somewhat disagree but why remove it when its already here?
- IndexErrorException
500+ posts
Remove cloud variables
No support. Sure you aren't going to make GTA V online lobby in scratch but there are some workarounds. Now the limit is 256 characters which means using my encoding decoding system I can store 128 of every character you want. Times that by 10 clouds and now you got 1280 characters which is plenty storage for a leaderboard or something.
- popjam12
500+ posts
Remove cloud variables
Semi-support but instead of removing them:
- They could be available to New Scratchers
- – Bot accounts could be created to spam the cloud variables
They could have a limit of 50 letters/numbers - – Letters? I don't think they will be allowing letters as it could fill up the servers even more.. and about the character limit I think they should continue to shorten the longer numbers. (again, server space.)
They could support all supported Scratch letters, symbols, numbers, etc.
- – Server space, again.
Projects could have 20 cloud variables at most - I'm just gonna leave this one, as I can't think.
- bestguyisme
1 post
Remove cloud variables
Why can't I use cloud variables now? I am trying to help my friend make a pong game with worl records but without cloud vriables it won't work? Does it mean that you have to post a certain amount of projects to be able to use cloud variables?
- 54387a
1000+ posts
Remove cloud variables
The amount Why can't I use cloud variables now? I am trying to help my friend make a pong game with worl records but without cloud vriables it won't work? Does it mean that you have to post a certain amount of projects to be able to use cloud variables?may not matter, but what matters is if you're a Scratcher or not because only Scratchers can use cloud variables.
- -ElectronicArts-
1000+ posts
Remove cloud variables
Since when was the length limit a thing?
I dont know. Try asking your parents they know everything.
- Elijah999999
1000+ posts
Remove cloud variables
Literally any project that uses them. What would happen to them? Think of With all these restrictions put in place, what is the point of even having cloud variables any more?this project. It had a crazy amount of hype, and many people are playing it as we speak.
- Za-Chary
1000+ posts
Remove cloud variables
Since 2.0 came out, or perhaps shortly thereafter. Since when was the length limit a thing?
- PaperMarioFan2022
1000+ posts
Remove cloud variables
No support. If this was removed, then kids would never know how to learn with online scripting and a high score system for their games.
- Elijah999999
1000+ posts
Remove cloud variables
Actually, New Scratchers can't user Cloud Variables so that people can't spam online games and make it less fun. All the other limitations are for server space. -snip-
Last edited by Elijah999999 (May 23, 2023 13:22:03)
- medians
1000+ posts
Remove cloud variables
Nevermind, I found a topic about it being added, and it was made in 2018, but somewhere on that topic it was stated to be changed to 256 later.Since 2.0 came out, or perhaps shortly thereafter. Since when was the length limit a thing?
Last edited by medians (May 23, 2023 13:25:19)
- SciPiDilts
100+ posts
Remove cloud variables
Actually, 256. 128 is an old limit. 3. Cloud variables are limited to a length of 128 characters at maximum.
Edit: King of the page!
Last edited by SciPiDilts (May 23, 2023 13:28:59)