Discuss Scratch
- Mar10Josh
100+ posts
Ability to add names to scripts
Support! I actually have blocks I can use for you:
Run Script Named [script name v] :: control
Stop Script Named [script name v] :: control
- Tronche2Cake
100+ posts
Ability to add names to scripts
Support! It would be very helpful for backpacking and could even let us start or stop specific scripts at will.
I've been thinking about that for days now and someone posted about it.
stop [game script]
broadcast [player dead]
I've been thinking about that for days now and someone posted about it.
- ChamzSum_GeniusAI
82 posts
Ability to add names to scripts
I counted you too, by the way.I support now too!Oh. Ok.Actually, no. It's 3 supporters and 4 or 5 non-supporters so far. We have a lot of positive support, I think ST has the chance to find this soon and put their decision into it :3
I support. Using the Backpack would be easier if we did.