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Wiki Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Today is the 25th Wiki Wednesday!

Here are the Wiki Articles of the Month:

Deutsch (German): Drehtyp

Der Drehtyp oder Rotationsstil einer Figur bestimmt, in welche Richtung sie zeigen kann.

English: Creative Commons License

The Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license is the license under which Scratch projects are all published.
French (français): Tuto: La gravité dans Scratch

Faire un jeu de plateformes peut être assez compliqué des fois. Dans ce tuto, les bases de la gravité sont expliquées et des exemples de script sont donnés pour vous aider à mieux réussi vos projets.

中文 (Chinese): 面朝 () 向(积木)

面朝 () 向积木(Point Towards ())是个动作类的条形积木。这个积木会让使用它的角色面朝滑鼠游标或是其它的角色(依该角色的造型中心点;这会改变角色的方向值并让角色旋转)。

What is Wiki Wednesday?
On the last Wednesday of every month, we will highlight the Scratch Wiki and a few chosen articles in different languages. Find out more info and how you can participate at this studio: What is Wiki Wednesday?

What is the Scratch Wiki?
The Scratch Wiki is a collaboratively-written wiki available for free that provides information about the Scratch programming language and its website, history, and phenomena surrounding it. The wiki is supported by the Scratch Team, but is primarily written by Scratchers. The Scratch Wiki is a popular source of information for scripts and tutorials, and it continues to grow as Scratchers use it as their primary source of information. This could also include advanced articles for Scratchers around the world to build, share, and see.
(Source: Scratch Wiki)

Did you know…
  • dass man wenn man ein Projekt ohne Ton starten kann wenn die Strg-Taste gedrückt wird während man auf die Startflagge klickt?

  • 你知道吗?有些 Scratcher 想要一个「面朝 x: () y: ()」积木,但它很容易代替。

  • that the wiki has its own wikipedia article?

  • que les blocs avec les instruments de musique et les blocs de stylo ne seront plus présents de base dans Scratch 3.0? Ils devront être rajoutés depuis la bibliothèque d'extensions intégrée.

Credit and a huge thank you to makethebrainhappy for organizing Wiki Wednesday and creating the content of this topic.
Credit to the this website for the header.
Credit to Yummygum on iconfinder.com for the flag icons!

Last edited by LiFaytheGoblin (May 6, 2018 15:08:00)

1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Cool! Its great to see the creative commons article featured, people could learn a lot from that.
Edit: my new years wiki Wednesday resolution is to report all of the spam here.

Last edited by hellounicorns2 (April 28, 2018 00:46:11)

500+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Ayy, the Chinese wiki is back
1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, April 25, 2018

1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, April 25, 2018

go to front
We Need More Wikis
go to front
1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Woot! 4 wikis! (25th wiki Wednesday on the 25th ;P)

Last edited by jakel181 (April 27, 2018 13:50:32)

1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, April 25, 2018

jakel181 wrote:

Woot! 4 wikis! (25th wiki Wednesday on the 25th ;P)
Yeah, its great to see it available to so many people
1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, April 25, 2018

LiFaytheGoblin wrote:

Today is the 25th Wiki Wednesday!

Here are the Wiki Articles of the Month:

Deutsch (German): Drehtyp

Der Drehtyp oder Rotationsstil einer Figur bestimmt, in welche Richtung sie zeigen kann.

English: Creative Commons License

The Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license is the license under which Scratch projects are all published.
French (français): Tuto: La gravité dans Scratch

Faire un jeu de plateformes peut être assez compliqué des fois. Dans ce tuto, les bases de la gravité sont expliquées et des exemples de script sont donnés pour vous aider à mieux réussi vos projets.

中文 (Chinese): 面朝 () 向(积木)

面朝 () 向积木(Point Towards ())是个动作类的条形积木。这个积木会让使用它的角色面朝滑鼠游标或是其它的角色(依该角色的造型中心点;这会改变角色的方向值并让角色旋转)。

What is Wiki Wednesday?
On the last Wednesday of every month, we will highlight the Scratch Wiki and a few chosen articles in different languages. Find out more info and how you can participate at this studio: What is Wiki Wednesday?

What is the Scratch Wiki?
The Scratch Wiki is a collaboratively-written wiki available for free that provides information about the Scratch programming language and its website, history, and phenomena surrounding it. The wiki is supported by the Scratch Team, but is primarily written by Scratchers. The Scratch Wiki is a popular source of information for scripts and tutorials, and it continues to grow as Scratchers use it as their primary source of information. This could also include advanced articles for Scratchers around the world to build, share, and see.
(Source: Scratch Wiki)

Did you know?
  • Wusstest du dass man wenn man ein Projekt ohne Ton starten kann wenn die Strg-Taste gedrückt wird während man auf die Startflagge klickt?

  • 你知道吗?有些 Scratcher 想要一个「面朝 x: () y: ()」积木,但它很容易代替。

  • Did you know that the wiki has its own wikipedia article?

  • Les blocs avec les instruments de musique et les blocs de stylo ne seront plus présents de base dans Scratch 3.0. Ils devront être rajoutés depuis la bibliothèque d'extensions intégrée.

Credit and a huge thank you to makethebrainhappy for organizing Wiki Wednesday and creating the content of this topic.
Credit to the this website for the header.
Credit to Yummygum on iconfinder.com for the flag icons!
Love to 25th Scracth Wiki Wednesday

11 posts

Wiki Wednesday, April 25, 2018

What does that mean? Is it supposed to make me better?
100+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, April 25, 2018

1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Yay! It's Wiki Wednesday!
7 posts

Wiki Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Sorry I am new…what do I do?
New Scratcher
1 post

Wiki Wednesday, April 25, 2018

18 posts

Wiki Wednesday, April 25, 2018

ScratchyTarchia wrote:

What does that mean? Is it supposed to make me better?
He means if you will keep on trying, you will be a sucsesful scratcher!
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Please make sure your posts here are about the topic being discussed in the first post.

Use the Official Scratchblocks Testing Topic for testing out that feature
1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Where is jawiki?
1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, April 25, 2018

apple502j wrote:

Where is jawiki?
probably an article wasn't suggested
100+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, April 25, 2018

scratch is amazing, its a good way to learn the basics of coding! Not only coding you can make animations!
5 posts

Wiki Wednesday, April 25, 2018

I’m new,can somebodies tell me what i suppose to do.
11 posts

Wiki Wednesday, April 25, 2018

piggy3001 wrote:

I’m new,can somebodies tell me what i suppose to do.

Welcome to scratch! You are currently on the Scratch Wiki where people discuss certain topics. Scratch is all about creating projects using block coding and sharing them with the world to see, like, and favorite.

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