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1000+ posts

Enhanced Games Unlimited Collaboration ~ Making Drifter!

Banner by @ncro2005


We are currently in the process of making a platformer game, called “Drifter” If you would like to help out, please let us know!

If you are a New Scratcher and would like to join the collaboration, please fill out the form below, just like everyone else. We won't be partial to you just because of your New Scratcher status.

If you would like to see our latest version, please drop by our Collaboration Studio.

If you are a member, please post regularly to the collab! This will help keep everyone in the loop!

Job Areas

Owner/Leader: (Has total control)

Co-Leader: @heine (Has total control when Leader is absent. Otherwise, assists the leader.)

Forum Helper:


Head Programmer: @Joshia_T (Directs operations in the Programming section, with input from the leader)



Head Artist: @chickenbomber (Directs operations in the Art section, with input from the leader)


Sound Designers:

Head Sound Designer: @Partial2Partials (Directs operations in the Music section, with input from the leader)


Beta Testers:


Forum Helpers:


Honorary Members:


(More job areas to come. If you have a skill that you think we could use, please let us know! )

Application Form:

When applying to join the collab, please fill out this form:

Name: (the way you would prefer to be called. Can be your scratch user)
Job Area: (Pick from the list above, or come up with your own, and I'll evaluate to see if it's something we need.)
Interest in Collaborations: (1-10)
What will your activity level be if you join?
Are you experienced with the Scratch forums?
Do you know how to snip forum posts?
Are you following this thread?
What is your main reason for wanting to join? (Answer not required, but it helps with processing your application.)

After you have been accepted, you will temporarily be added to the Prospective Members list. After you have been active on the collaboration for a reasonable amount of time, you will be officially accepted, and you will be added to the First Post.

Due to our experimentation with cloud lists, we ask that New Scratchers who would like to join us would hang around until they achieve Scratcher status. New Scratchers may help with the build, (and thereby increase the chances of being accepted), but will not achieve Full Membership until they become Full Scratchers.

We will seriously consider all applicants, however we reserve the right to refuse to accept for any legitimate reason.
Also, we reserve the right to expel any member from the collab for any breach of the Community Guidelines.

Collaboration News Below

Last edited by RonTheNerd (May 5, 2020 02:31:54)

1000+ posts

Enhanced Games Unlimited Collaboration ~ Making Drifter!

Collaboration News

Current List of those absent from Roll Call:

Roll Call Not Active

4-3-18 Collaboration Launched!

4-4-18 @Sigton Joins Collaboration.

4-4-18 @G_A_C Joins Collaboration.

4-5-18 @ksd_scratch Joins Collaboration.

4-5-18 @CyrusTheNiceGuy Joins Collaboration.

4-6-18 @rdkt Joins Collaboration.

4-8-18 @Epicscoolgames Joins Collaboration.

4-10-18 First Post Edited

4-12-18 First Post Edited and Banner added.

4-12-18 @CoolGamesAndThings Joins Collaboration.

4-20-18 @NDSDNS Joins Collaboration.

4-21-18 @G_A_C Promoted to Assistant Director!

5-6-18 @Godzillard Joins Collaboration.

9-29-18 @ABSAFC Joins Collaboration.

10-20-18 Minor cosmetic updates to the First Post.

10-22-18 @Partial2Partials becomes a Full Member

10-23-18 @Sigton makes the collaboration's 1000'th post on October 23, 2018

10-30-18 @SamuraiNinjaBento becomes a Full Member

11-22-18 @IceBryker becomes a Full Member

1-6-19 @Michael_TV becomes a Full Member

1-10-19 Roll Call called.

1-13-19 @PegasusHT Becomes a Full Member

1-16-19 @Copperfive becomes a Full Member

2-27-19 @chickenbomber makes the first post on the 100th Page

2-28-19 @chickenbomber becomes Co-Leader

3-2-19 @_-K-O-R-A-_ becomes a Full Member

11-27-19 @chickenbomber retires from collaboration.

12-24-19 @Jimmyrooster becomes a full member.

12-29-19 @heine becomes Co-Leader.

3-9-20 @ReznorZEZ joins collaboration.

5-4-20 @Coder39 joins collaboration.

Last edited by RonTheNerd (May 5, 2020 02:30:45)

1000+ posts

Enhanced Games Unlimited Collaboration ~ Making Drifter!

Prospective Members:

@AJanik Programmer

@TimeLordPlanet Programmer / Beta Tester

@DarthDurinsBANEling Artist

@BearSlothCoding Beta Tester

@OurPrincess Artist, Advertiser

Last edited by RonTheNerd (Dec. 25, 2019 00:35:23)

1000+ posts

Enhanced Games Unlimited Collaboration ~ Making Drifter!

Retired Members:

@Godzillard: Artist - 10-25-18

@CoolGamesandThings Programmer 3-2-19

@zelda_universe Programmer 3-2-19

@OhHeyStranger Programmer 3-2-19

@ABSAFC Programmer 3-2-19

@rdkt Artist 3-2-19

@Michael_TV Sound Designer and Beta Tester - Deleted their account 3-2-19

@SamuraiNinjaBento Beta Tester 3-2-19

@EpicsCoolGames Programmer 3-2-19

@chickenbomber Co-Leader

Last edited by RonTheNerd (Dec. 25, 2019 00:37:10)

1000+ posts

Enhanced Games Unlimited Collaboration ~ Making Drifter!

Ok! Let's figure out what to make!

And, we're currently making a platformer!

Story Line:

“In a vast sea there was a tribe of ocean-people. The ocean people lived in harmony with the great fish of the sea; the Leviathan. The Leviathans were completely at peace with the surface-dwellers and lived without problem for years. Then one day they became brutally hostile. Anyone who dared to step foot in the ocean perished. The tribe had nowhere else to go except further into the island, so they sent scouts into the jungle. One of the scouts came back and told the village he had found a treasure beyond imagination. The villagers scoffed at the idea but he was completely convinced. He decided the tribes’ people wouldn’t help; so he got on a boat and narrowly escaped the island, and sailed to the mainland where he told everyone of his discovery. Obviously that got some attention. The first to hear were a band of rough pirates, that’s when you come in. You are part of the crew and you ride to the island, only to find your ship torn apart by Leviathans and you alone made it to the island. Regardless of if you lost your ship and all your men; it wouldn’t matter if you just found the treasure. So you dive into the jungle and find two eggs the size of cars. Not only were they that big, they were made of gold and silver, placed in a nest of treasures beyond imagination. Then a Leviathan shows up on the land and approaches you for being near its’ eggs. You and it talk for a little bit in hopes that you might be able to sneak away. It tells you that someone has stolen one of its eggs, and if you get back the egg, it will let you leave, and even better, you get to take all of the treasure beside the eggs. You have no other choice really so you go on an adventure to find the eggs. Yadadadad, you go through a bunch of platforming, fight some enemies. All that jazz. Then you find the egg and the one who stole it turns out to be one of the tribe’s men, who actually believed the scout, and he took the egg and the Leviathan attacked him so he made a spell that wouldn’t let any Leviathan in his castle. And he hid the egg. So then you fight him and once you sort of beat him back you break his spell and the Leviathan comes in and finishes him. You give the egg back and the Leviathan gives you more than they promised, they gave you your crew back, a golden boat loaded with treasure and everyone lives happily ever after and your rich. The end.”

Last edited by RonTheNerd (Jan. 29, 2019 17:58:54)

100+ posts

Enhanced Games Unlimited Collaboration ~ Making Drifter!

Name: William
Job Area: Artist (75%) and Programmer (25%)
Interest in Collaborations: 7
What will your activity level be if you join? - Pretty high
Are you experienced with the Scratch forums? - Not too bad (6/10)
Do you know how to snip forum posts? - No..

Last edited by G_A_C (April 5, 2018 13:28:30)

1000+ posts

Enhanced Games Unlimited Collaboration ~ Making Drifter!

G_A_C wrote:

Name: William
Job Area: Artist (75%) and Programmer (25%)
Interest in Collaborations: 7
What will your activity level be if you join? - Pretty high
Are you experienced with the Scratch forums? - Not too bad (6/10)
Do you know how to snip forum posts? - No..
Accepted! I'll be making a post when I get Scratcher status, so people can remind me what their jobs are etc, so I can edit the FP.

Here's a little tutorial I found on Snipping posts: https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/projects/92428610/ If you have any other questions, just ask.
1000+ posts

Enhanced Games Unlimited Collaboration ~ Making Drifter!

What does everyone think about making a relatively simple platformer with some emphasis on the art and graphics? (Yes, I know, art and graphics are pretty much the same thing. lol) I already have a platforming code in my shared projects, but it will need to be changed for colors and such obviously. Also, while the jumping and movement works, it's not the smoothest in the world.
But it is a start, and something we could begin working on.

I'm thinking that eventually we could incorporate cloud variables for keeping track of points and things. (How will points be awarded, and for what? I don't know either. xD)

Thoughts anyone?
100+ posts

Enhanced Games Unlimited Collaboration ~ Making Drifter!

1000+ posts

Enhanced Games Unlimited Collaboration ~ Making Drifter!

@G_A_C commented this on my profile, but I thought I'd move it here for everyone to easily read.

I think your idea of an art-focused platformer is great! It would be a great blend of art and programming for everyone, and it can work with any amount of people. If we do art, I think we should add a small element of puzzle to it.
1000+ posts

Enhanced Games Unlimited Collaboration ~ Making Drifter!

G_A_C wrote:

xD You literally moved from my profile to here didn't you? Mid word even!
100+ posts

Enhanced Games Unlimited Collaboration ~ Making Drifter!

Hey Ron.. How many people do you think will be in this collaboration? I know some people who would probably help..
100+ posts

Enhanced Games Unlimited Collaboration ~ Making Drifter!

Also.. Yes I did.
1000+ posts

Enhanced Games Unlimited Collaboration ~ Making Drifter!

G_A_C wrote:

Hey Ron.. How many people do you think will be in this collaboration? I know some people who would probably help..
Well, I don't know. If you know people, go ahead and mention the collab to them if you would like to.

Also, use the “Quote” button in the corner of the post you want to reply to. It keeps the forums more orderly. :)
100+ posts

Enhanced Games Unlimited Collaboration ~ Making Drifter!

RonTheNerd wrote:

G_A_C wrote:

Hey Ron.. How many people do you think will be in this collaboration? I know some people who would probably help..
Well, I don't know. If you know people, go ahead and mention the collab to them if you would like to.

Also, use the “Quote” button in the corner of the post you want to reply to. It keeps the forums more orderly. :)

Ok. I'll try to invite some people. Also when you said you had a platforming script earlier.. were you talking about my one?
1000+ posts

Enhanced Games Unlimited Collaboration ~ Making Drifter!

G_A_C wrote:

Also.. Yes I did.
XD I couldn't tell at all.
1000+ posts

Enhanced Games Unlimited Collaboration ~ Making Drifter!

G_A_C wrote:

RonTheNerd wrote:

G_A_C wrote:

Hey Ron.. How many people do you think will be in this collaboration? I know some people who would probably help..
Well, I don't know. If you know people, go ahead and mention the collab to them if you would like to.

Also, use the “Quote” button in the corner of the post you want to reply to. It keeps the forums more orderly. :)

Ok. I'll try to invite some people. Also when you said you had a platforming script earlier.. were you talking about my one?
Indeed I was. The one I remixed.
Way to go on learning the quote! You're figuring out the forums by leaps and bounds. Next I'll show you a snip. :)
1000+ posts

Enhanced Games Unlimited Collaboration ~ Making Drifter!

RonTheNerd wrote:

G_A_C wrote:

RonTheNerd wrote:

Well, I don't know. If you know people, go ahead and mention the collab to them if you would like to.

Also, use the “Quote” button in the corner of the post you want to reply to. It keeps the forums more orderly. :)

Ok. I'll try to invite some people. Also when you said you had a platforming script earlier.. were you talking about my one?
Indeed I was. The one I remixed.
Way to go on learning the quote! You're figuring out the forums by leaps and bounds. Next I'll show you a snip. :)
That is a snip. Don't worry if you don't understand how it works yet. You'll get it!
1000+ posts

Enhanced Games Unlimited Collaboration ~ Making Drifter!

RonTheNerd wrote:

What does everyone think about making a relatively simple platformer with some emphasis on the art and graphics? (Yes, I know, art and graphics are pretty much the same thing. lol) I already have a platforming code in my shared projects, but it will need to be changed for colors and such obviously. Also, while the jumping and movement works, it's not the smoothest in the world.
But it is a start, and something we could begin working on.

I'm thinking that eventually we could incorporate cloud variables for keeping track of points and things. (How will points be awarded, and for what? I don't know either. xD)

Thoughts anyone?
Just bumping this post up a little.
100+ posts

Enhanced Games Unlimited Collaboration ~ Making Drifter!

could i join you
Name: Ksd_scratch
Job Area: progammer
Interest in Collaborations: 9 (it's been a long time since I did not)
What will your activity level be if you join?
I connect everday

Are you experienced with the Scratch forums?
For send message yes

Do you know how to snip forum posts?

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