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9 posts

Languages all around the world

If you want to put these languages, this is just small. But if all over the world, you'll say it's a thousand times that this. Here are the languages I need to add in scratch.
- Afrikaans
- Malay
- Swedish
- Albanians
- Gujarati
- Malayalam
- Tajik
- Amharik
- Haitian Creole
- Maltese
- Tamil
- Arabic
- Huasa
- Maori
- Telugu
- Armenian
- Hawaiian
- Marathi
- Thai
- Azerbaijani
- Hebrew
- Mongolian
- Turkish
- Bangla
- Hindi
- Nepali
- Ukranian
- Basque
- Hmong
- Norwegian
- Urdu
- Belarusian
- Hungarian
- Nyanja
- Usbek
- Bosnia
- Icelandic
- Pashto
- Vietnamese
- Bulgarian
- Igbo
- Persian
- Welsh
- Burmese
- Indonesian
- Polish
- Western Frisian
- Catalon
- Irish
- Portuguese
- Xhosa
- Cebuano
- Italian
- Punjabi
- Yiddish
- Chinese (Simplified and Traditional)
- Japanese
- Romanian
- Yoruba
- Corsican
- Javanese
- Russian
- Zulu
- Croatian
- Kannada
- Samoan
- Czech
- Kazakh
- Scottish Gallic
- Danish
- Khmer
- Serbian
- Dutch
- Korean
- Shona
- English
- Kurdish
- Sindhi
- Esperanto
- Kyrgyz
- Sindhala
- Estonian
- Lao
- Slovak
- Filipino
- Latin
- Slovenian
- Finnish
- Lathvian
- Somali
- French
- Lithuanian
- Southern Sotho
- Galician
- Luxembourgish
- Spanish
- Georgian
- Macedonian
- Sundanese
- German
- Greek
- Malagasy
- Swahili
In this google translator, it has the total languages of more than 100. But if you want to tell all around the world, it's about 6,909 languages! Too many isn't?

Last edited by Jackpoht (Nov. 3, 2017 04:01:10)

1000+ posts

Languages all around the world

Jackpoht wrote:

If you want to put these languages, this is just small. But if all over the world, you'll say it's a thousand times that this. Here are the languages I need to add in scratch.
- Afrikaans
- Malay
- Swedish
- Albanians
- Gujarati
- Malayalam
- Tajik
- Amharik
- Haitian Creole
- Maltese
- Tamil
- Arabic
- Huasa
- Maori
- Telugu
- Armenian
- Hawaiian
- Marathi
- Thai
- Azerbaijani
- Hebrew
- Mongolian
- Turkish
- Bangla
- Hindi
- Nepali
- Ukranian
- Basque
- Hmong
- Norwegian
- Urdu
- Belarusian
- Hungarian
- Nyanja
- Usbek
- Bosnia
- Icelandic
- Pashto
- Vietnamese
- Bulgarian
- Igbo
- Persian
- Welsh
- Burmese
- Indonesian
- Polish
- Western Frisian
- Catalon
- Irish
- Portuguese
- Xhosa
- Cebuano
- Italian
- Punjabi
- Yiddish
- Chinese (Simplified and Traditional)
- Japanese
- Romanian
- Yoruba
- Corsican
- Javanese
- Russian
- Zulu
- Croatian
- Kannada
- Samoan
- Czech
- Kazakh
- Scottish Gallic
- Danish
- Khmer
- Serbian
- Dutch
- Korean
- Shona
- English
- Kurdish
- Sindhi
- Esperanto
- Kyrgyz
- Sindhala
- Estonian
- Lao
- Slovak
- Filipino
- Latin
- Slovenian
- Finnish
- Lathvian
- Somali
- French
- Lithuanian
- Southern Sotho
- Galician
- Luxembourgish
- Spanish
- Georgian
- Macedonian
- Sundanese
- German
- Greek
- Malagasy
- Swahili
In this google translator, it has the total languages of more than 100. But if you want to tell all around the world, it's about 6,909 languages! Too many isn't?
What the-
100+ posts

Languages all around the world


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