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74 posts

Scratch Accessibility for Low-vision and Blind Users

WolfCat67 wrote:

Ooh, that's great! I think it would be amazing for multiple options based on accessibility for this feature. I can't wait to see how this will turn out.
Also, a quick question: Is colour blindness also being considered for accessibility? It is, of course, another visual impairment, and can cause some issues with similar colours in the Scratch colour palette.

I agree, for people with color blindness things can get confusing. Games with don't touch/touch colors that are similar to the background can be hard to play and coding in general would be way easier with this adjustment.
5 posts

Scratch Accessibility for Low-vision and Blind Users

great idea!
17 posts

Scratch Accessibility for Low-vision and Blind Users

LegendaryAthena2006 wrote:

Tina from scratch team, that would be good. Maybe during the registration part you can ask do you have low vision or colorblindness or have bad vision? and the person can check the box on what they have and set up scratch for that particular need. Like for people with low vision and bad vision make things bigger. For colorblindness you could make it the way colorblind people see.
Also, can we make scratch easier for kids with autism and down syndrome?
I am making a discussion page for that if you want to look at it.
Thanks for spending the time to read this.
Or you can call me Anna.

Not bad, in fact I think that may also boost the number of Scratch users

1 post

Scratch Accessibility for Low-vision and Blind Users

I would like to make Scratch more accessible to blind people. Braillesense is a tool for some blind people. Look into it maybe?
17 posts

Scratch Accessibility for Low-vision and Blind Users

slcchollingsworth wrote:

I would like to make Scratch more accessible to blind people. Braillesense is a tool for some blind people. Look into it maybe?

How are you supposed to put braille on a screen? Its not possible because blind people can't feel the braille through the screen. All the feel is screen material. Though, it would be nice if that was actually physically possible.
1000+ posts

Scratch Accessibility for Low-vision and Blind Users

LionHeart70 wrote:

I actually have pretty great vision, but this is a good idea for those who have visual impairments.
As said earlier, an option to make a dark theme might look good as well. I don't really like the really bright screen considering it can really hurt my eyes if I'm in a dark room, but usually I'm okay with it. Some users might not be as okay with it.
Happens to me to…
1000+ posts

Scratch Accessibility for Low-vision and Blind Users

LegendaryAthena2006 wrote:

Tina from scratch team, that would be good. Maybe during the registration part you can ask do you have low vision or colorblindness or have bad vision? and the person can check the box on what they have and set up scratch for that particular need. Like for people with low vision and bad vision make things bigger. For colorblindness you could make it the way colorblind people see.
Also, can we make scratch easier for kids with autism and down syndrome?
I am making a discussion page for that if you want to look at it.
Thanks for spending the time to read this.
Or you can call me Anna.
31 posts

Scratch Accessibility for Low-vision and Blind Users

That's a good idea! Scratch is a good platform for everyone to learn. It is crucial we must let the low-visioned or visually impaired people to code. Maybe create a speak button so they can hover over and listen to it.
17 posts

Scratch Accessibility for Low-vision and Blind Users

Voice activators could also be good, but that is something of the future that Scratch has yet to add to our project creator platform.

play sound [ v]
ask [] and wait
if <> then


Another door opens.
17 posts

Scratch Accessibility for Low-vision and Blind Users

In the future, the Scratch team could add a setting for visual impaired/blind users, so it will be easier for those people, and I have a feeling that it will be eaiser for everyone, not just those who are visually impaired, but everyone.

My browser / operating system: ChromeOS 9901.77.0, Chrome 62.0.3202.97, No Flash version detected
1 post

Scratch Accessibility for Low-vision and Blind Users

1000+ posts

Scratch Accessibility for Low-vision and Blind Users

jamespanics wrote:

Please don’t spam. Posting offtopic clutters up the discussion.
100+ posts

Scratch Accessibility for Low-vision and Blind Users

Hey there! I like this idea due to a friend of mine who needs glasses that hurt her eyes while looking at a plasma computer screen. I think it would be a good start to have a “blurred vision mode” that makes text and scripts larger and bold and work up from there. Hope that helps!

Edit: another idea could be you can have a voice dictation to remotely insert blocks using a microphone into the editor.

Last edited by Pixelated_Pickax (Nov. 28, 2017 20:11:23)

1 post

Scratch Accessibility for Low-vision and Blind Users

hi scratch team i was wondering if you can make all blocks fit into all places. for example: if play sound pop then change volume by 10. i hope this information helps!
100+ posts

Scratch Accessibility for Low-vision and Blind Users

Have you tried using bold/larger text? This would make it easier for blurred vision. However, I also think using a mic would be a cool way to insert blocks using voice commands. I have a friend who has vision issues in my class who uses sound for literally everything, so I think this would benefit those with vision issues a lot.
17 posts

Scratch Accessibility for Low-vision and Blind Users

78ch3 wrote:

jamespanics wrote:

Please don’t spam. Posting offtopic clutters up the discussion.
Well thank you for finally saying something
New Scratcher
5 posts

Scratch Accessibility for Low-vision and Blind Users

Maybe text to speech?
17 posts

Scratch Accessibility for Low-vision and Blind Users

Bunny1334Post wrote:

Maybe text to speech?
That's the best Idea i've seen yet.
100+ posts

Scratch Accessibility for Low-vision and Blind Users

if anybody cares to read my ideas they have really good content!

Pixelated_Pickax wrote:

Have you tried using bold/larger text? This would make it easier for blurred vision. However, I also think using a mic would be a cool way to insert blocks using voice commands. I have a friend who has vision issues in my class who uses sound for literally everything, so I think this would benefit those with vision issues a lot.
17 posts

Scratch Accessibility for Low-vision and Blind Users

@Pixelated_Pickax that is a great idea

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