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- » Using multiple accounts to report projects
- LionHeart70
1000+ posts
Using multiple accounts to report projects
I have found out that if multiple users report something at a time, it'll be temporarily censored until it's reviewed by the ST. If the content is deemed appropriate, it'll be uncensored, but if it's inappropriate, it'll be removed. (At least I think that's the case, but not my main question.)
The question is, If someone uses multiple accounts just to censor a project, what will happen?
I already know what can happen if you use multiple accounts just to get to the top loved/top remixed section of the front page, and I want to know if a similar thing can happen to users who report a project multiple times on separate accounts just to censor the project that they're reporting.
The question is, If someone uses multiple accounts just to censor a project, what will happen?
I already know what can happen if you use multiple accounts just to get to the top loved/top remixed section of the front page, and I want to know if a similar thing can happen to users who report a project multiple times on separate accounts just to censor the project that they're reporting.
- WolfCat67
1000+ posts
Using multiple accounts to report projects
They'll probably be banned for it if necessary. After all, it's quite unfair. I can see an exception being made if said project is extremely inappropriate, but if it's just an NFE project or something similar, it probably be considered as unfair to the creator of the project as it wasn't supposed to be censored.
- IsAnimeRealTem
35 posts
Using multiple accounts to report projects
I am sure that it will be gone once the ST finds out if it is inappropriate. Later on, the person who shared the inappropriate project will get an alert about it.
Last edited by IsAnimeRealTem (Sept. 7, 2017 00:23:14)
- I-Iz-A-Litten
1000+ posts
Using multiple accounts to report projects
If they want to report the project because of disagreement, then they would probably get banned.
Other than that, I don't know
Other than that, I don't know
- footsocktoe
1000+ posts
Using multiple accounts to report projects
I have found out that if multiple users report something at a time, it'll be temporarily censored until it's reviewed by the ST. If the content is deemed appropriate, it'll be uncensored, but if it's inappropriate, it'll be removed. (At least I think that's the case, but not my main question.)
The question is, If someone uses multiple accounts just to censor a project, what will happen?
I already know what can happen if you use multiple accounts just to get to the top loved/top remixed section of the front page, and I want to know if a similar thing can happen to users who report a project multiple times on separate accounts just to censor the project that they're reporting.
Violates a community guideline…
“Don’t try to ……………………………. trick the community.”
- LionHeart70
1000+ posts
Using multiple accounts to report projects
Good point. I don't think it really makes sense to report something more than once though.. even if it truly is inappropriate. They'll probably be banned for it if necessary. After all, it's quite unfair. I can see an exception being made if said project is extremely inappropriate, but if it's just an NFE project or something similar, it probably be considered as unfair to the creator of the project as it wasn't supposed to be censored.
I'm asking what will happen to the user who reported the content multiple times, not the creator of the project. I am sure that it will be gone once the ST finds out if it is inappropriate. Later on, the person who shared the inappropriate project will get an alert about it.
I guess that makes sense. You can be banned for reporting something out of disagreement, and same for using multiple accounts to get top loved/remixed. So I don't see why you can't get banned for doing that. If they want to report the project because of disagreement, then they would probably get banned.
Other than that, I don't know
And this section of the Terms Of Use is similar; Violates a community guideline…
“Don’t try to ……………………………. trick the community.”
3.5 You agree not to use Scratch in any way intended to disrupt the service, gain unauthorized access to the service, or interfere with any other user's ability to use the service. Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to:
1: Posting content deliberately designed to crash the Scratch website or editor;
2: Linking to pages containing viruses or malware;
3: Using administrator passwords or pretending to be an administrator;
4: Repeatedly posting the same material, or “spamming”;
5: Using alternate accounts or organizing voting groups to manipulate site statistics, such as purposely trying to get on the “What the Community is Loving/Remixing” rows of the front page.
- LionHeart70
1000+ posts
Using multiple accounts to report projects
Bump..? I don't know if this was answered yet..
- Backwardpaw
2 posts
Using multiple accounts to report projects
I think if you are using multiple accounts, that's kinda pointless…
foreverxd lol
repeat until (Moderators catch you)
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» Using multiple accounts to report projects