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  • » idea #001 Create a list of Ideas about "Scratch for Africa" in the forum and a thread per idea [RSS Feed]
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idea #001 Create a list of Ideas about "Scratch for Africa" in the forum and a thread per idea

One first Idea to make a start: Let's create a numbered list of ideas about “Scratch for Africa” and start a thread in this forum for each idea. The participation per thread than will show how importent this certain idea is to the community and will create the opportunity to build/join a group that wants to work for this idea.

Here is a short first collection of

“Scratch for Africa Ideas”

idea #001 Create a list of Ideas about “Scratch for Africa” in the forum and a thread per idea

idea #002 Create a Scratch-Wiki in Swahili see Scratch Wikis in other languages

idea #003 Create a Scratch-Wiki in Igbo see Scratch Wikis in other languages

idea #004 Enlarge the Focus from Scratch to POCKETCODE alias Catrobat. Because many African children and even teachers have no access to a PC/Laptop/tablet its necessary to have a “Scratch-Like” tool that runs on Smartphones. Smartphones are much more common in African countries than PC/Laptop/tablet. Even the future Scratch 3.0 will not run on Smartphones (mobile yes, but just tablets) and Mitch Resnick himself recommended to use PocketCode where only Smartphones are available.

Please feel free to enlarge this list!
Best post your Idea here in this thread first, so we can have a first look and add it as a new thread that we can link in this first post here.

Last edited by MartinWollenweber (Aug. 22, 2017 08:08:13)

500+ posts

idea #001 Create a list of Ideas about "Scratch for Africa" in the forum and a thread per idea

#Idea 5: I think Discussion Forums needs more forum and a new style for more languages. To my opinion, Other Languages forum isn't a good place for other languages(it's so complex and it has spam posts), and it hasn't a completed directory.
Note: Also this topic has been here since two years and nobody stickied or posted it!
7 posts

idea #001 Create a list of Ideas about "Scratch for Africa" in the forum and a thread per idea

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  • Discussion Forums
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  • » idea #001 Create a list of Ideas about "Scratch for Africa" in the forum and a thread per idea [RSS Feed]

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