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Guide to Making Ideas

This post will hopefully give you ideas for projects, sprites, and more!


  • Random! - Cool projects can often be abstract. Try thinking of as many things as possible and you could make something about one of them. For example, I could see some DVDs and make a project with various animations for different videos. I could see a wall and make a project that has different types of wallpaper and a “paint your own” option.
  • Old favourites - There are lots of projects that are always fun however many times they have been made. Projects like platformers are great because every one of them has unique levels. Operating Systems can be hard but rewarding and are usually fairly unique due to the fact there are so many things that can be different. You could look at the apps on your computer and make them in your own OS. RPGs are also a fun thing to do as each one has its own adventure. You could set it in the past, present or the future.
  • 3D! - If you're fairly advanced with Scratch you can create something 3D. 3D projects are cool because it is so hard to make them and there aren't that many of them. An article about 3D projects is here.
  • Tutorial - If you want to help out Scratchers with Scratch, why not make a tutorial? Possible things to help with could be the blocks, the paint editor or a list of other helpful resources.
  • Animation - If you can make a funny animation, that's great. Some ways to think of ideas are:

    Create an animation about managing to not be able to do something really easy or normal.

    Create an animation about something that would be extremely unlikely to happen, for example, the alien which ate the banana.

RPG Themes

RPGs are really fun to play but sometimes they can have similar themes, for example, go fight the dragon etc. Here are some ideas for getting a more unique setting.

  • Random! - Look through a list of countries and find one. Find out a tiny bit about that country and then choose a period of its history to set the RPG in. For example, I could choose Peru and make an RPG set in the time of the Incas.
  • Fantasyland - Of course, sometimes the real world just isn't interesting enough, so why not create your own. But to make it different why not make the trees blue, the grass pink and the sky turquoise?
  • Space!!! - Why not set your RPG in space, you could set in an Intergalactic war, alien invasion or maybe discovering a new planet.
  • Evil = Good - For an interesting twist why not make it so that you're the friendly dragon defending against the nasty humans. Or why not find another RPG remix and change the characters around.

In progress - Power-up, OS app, and sprite ideas coming soon.

Last edited by EH7meow (Oct. 12, 2013 08:43:31)

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