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500+ posts

A "Restart" -block

PH-zero wrote:


We have a
stop []
But what you gonna do if you just want to shut all scripts down and restart the game?
You can't just use
stop [all]
because (logically) you can't put another block under this block.

So you need to mess around with messages.

this block would be easy to understand and i think it wouldn't be too
hard to implement it.

Semi-support, because this has a workaround using broadcasts, but would make it more simple.
500+ posts

A "Restart" -block

No support, I just don't feel the need to do this. The workaround seems simple enough and I am alrighty too used to the old-fashioned way, not that it shouldn't get updated but that I like this way.
500+ posts

A "Restart" -block

DotDash wrote:


PH-zero wrote:


We have a
stop []
But what you gonna do if you just want to shut all scripts down and restart the game?
You can't just use
stop [all]
because (logically) you can't put another block under this block.

So you need to mess around with messages.

this block would be easy to understand and i think it wouldn't be too
hard to implement it.

Maybe a drop-down?

restart [this script v]

restart [all v]

restart [other scripts in this sprite v]

restart [other sprites v]
restart [all v] :: control // this script, all, other scripts in this sprite
restart [all v] and stop :: control cap
click green flag :: events
click green flag and stop :: events cap
100+ posts

A "Restart" -block

Support, this could be used to automate those “double click green flag” projects which would be really convenient.

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