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100+ posts

Tooltips on project icons with truncated titles?

On the old site, when a project title was too long, it would appear truncated in the clickable project thumbnail, followed by an ellipsis. However, it neatly shows a tooltip with the complete title when you hover over the image.

Would it be too much if we added that little title=“{fullname}” attribute to the text/image in the thumbnails on 2.0?
100+ posts

Tooltips on project icons with truncated titles?

1000+ posts

Tooltips on project icons with truncated titles?

Should I go back and bump all of my bug reports that haven't been implemented yet?
100+ posts

Tooltips on project icons with truncated titles?

BoltBait wrote:

Should I go back and bump all of my bug reports that haven't been implemented yet?
Well, as long as they're in the bug tracker, they've been recorded and are on a list. I just wanted some kind of input or acknowledgement since I haven't found any trace of the issue on the forums.

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