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Scratch Forum in other language

Hello! I'm going to create Scratch Forum in Polish.
Where can I get this forum style? I know I can get wiki style, but can i get forum style, too?
1000+ posts

Scratch Forum in other language

This. There's already a Polish forum.

Last edited by TheHockeyist (Sept. 1, 2015 00:55:24)

1000+ posts

Scratch Forum in other language

Yes, but we can create topics only and we have one forum for topics. In English there's 10 or more forum. We need more place So it's the same question as my last with wiki - how can we set forum so that it looks like this here?
500+ posts

Scratch Forum in other language

You could look around for a free forum host and host a completely separate forum there, e.g. on ProBoards. It won't look like this one though. If you want it to look like this forum, you will need to find and pay for a webhost and then install Django etc. There will be some programming skills needed. I don't know if this forum is open source (so that you could have scratchblocks).

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