Discuss Scratch
- rollercoasterfan
1000+ posts
12 vs. 24 Hours
Just a way to switch from 24 hour time to 12 hour time with am and pm on the forums. That's all.
- Wetbikeboy2500
100+ posts
12 vs. 24 Hours
support for this would be much easier instead of having a a bunch of code to do it
- Blank1234
500+ posts
12 vs. 24 Hours
support for this would be much easier instead of having a a bunch of code to do it
- Tymewalk
1000+ posts
12 vs. 24 Hours
Support. You could change this under the “Settings” page of the forums (where you go to change your signature.)
- DaSpudLord
1000+ posts
12 vs. 24 Hours
Support. You could change this under the “Settings” page of the forums (where you go to change your signature.)
- SnooPingasUsual
60 posts
12 vs. 24 Hours
Support, as y'all Europeans out there need support.
- MathlyCat
1000+ posts
12 vs. 24 Hours
Good, I'm not gonna be a lone fish! No support. Minor inconvenience.
No support:
MOST of the world uses 24-Hour
Even though I use 12-Hour, 24 Hour is much more understandable
It's just a wasteful bunch of code to make an AM/PM system