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90 posts

My Running List Of Project Ideas

I have young children that I am teaching program to so you may be interested in some of these or adding your own. I will periodically update as new ideas come to me.


1. Guess the number (teaching binary search)

2. Memory Match (the game where all the cards are face down, you pick one then have to remember where it's match is)

3. Typing tutor program (words fall from the top of the screen and you have to type them before they reach the bottom)

4. Pangolins/Pervade/Animals (will have the game learn offline and then load the database into Scratch)

5. Project Euler - more for me than for the kids - google Project Euler and you know what I mean

6. Portal

7. Gorillas (old DOS game) - someone has already done it here but I want to generate a random skyline

8. N Jugs Problem

9. Bagels (variant of mastermind)

10. Nim

11. Bubble Blast 2 Clone

12. Illuminations

How To:
1. Exit A Loop Early (How To: Short Circuiting)

2. Sort A List Fast And Easy (How To: Iterative Inplace Merge Sort or Heap Sort)

3. Determine x,y of edge collision from current point and direction

4. Walk around an object

5. Get the character from the ASCII decimal value

6. Get the ASCII decimal value from a character

7. An index function that returns all positions a sub-string appears in a string

8. Case insensitive compare

9. A substr function (2/3/4 arg forms)

10. statistic functions like standard deviation

11. reverse a string

12. convert a string to (uppercase, lowercase, ucfirst, lcfirst)

External To Scratch:

1. Scrape project data to create a “6 degrees of separation” like database

2. Write a utility to email me when a thread I am active in has a new post or someone mentions me


1. Clean up old projects (optimizations, delete all, etc)

2. Add play/pause/rewind/fast forward to MIDI music project

Please add any you think may be good as well.


Last edited by jgatcomb (Aug. 30, 2013 22:11:20)

75 posts

My Running List Of Project Ideas

jgatcomb wrote:

I have young children that I am teaching program to so you may be interested in some of these or adding your own. I will periodically update as new ideas come to me.

1. Guess the number (teaching binary search)
2. Memory Match (the game where all the cards are face down, you pick one then have to remember where it's match is)
3. Typing tutor program (words fall from the top of the screen and you have to type them before they reach the bottom)
4. Pangolins/Pervade/Animals (game that learns how to guess animals - will require cloud storage) - would give a link but I am a New Scratcher
5. Project Euler - more for me than for the kids - google Project Euler and you know what I mean

Please add any you think may be good as well.

cloud data
48 posts

My Running List Of Project Ideas

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