Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

I've Never Properly Introduced Myself

Hi everyone,

My name is joletole, a very well known 1.4/1.3 scratcher. I have been scratching for about 2 years now, and it has taught me a lot. When I first started scratch, the New Scratchers forum wasn't very popular. I would visit the forum from time to time, but I wouldn't post anything. In 1.4, I finally reached the mark of 2,000 posts, which I still think of today. Sadly, all posts were wiped from the system when we moved over to 2.0. But, in 1.4, I did make a welcome topic. So, I decided to repeat myself on this topic.

So, once again, Hi!
1000+ posts

I've Never Properly Introduced Myself

1000+ posts

I've Never Properly Introduced Myself

I remember you very well from 1.4. You were very well-known not that you aren't anymore

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