Discuss Scratch

1 post

Just found out about this place.

Hi everyone! I guess I haven't been keeping up with Scratch too much, didn't know about these forums!

I'm iGamer13, long time Scratcher (sounds like a weird word).
My first experience with the community was about 3 years ago? I made an account to share a project with some friends. I used 1.4 (as that was the most recent available version).
Since then, I have gone on to other programming languages, including C, Python, and Java.
However, I haven't learned enough to make the things I would like to (Graphics, etc.).
So I've come back to Scratch! So far I like the new features 2.0 has (except I can't download it…).

I guess I haven't been too prominent in the old community, I hope to change that with the introduction of some of my Scratch 2.0 projects!

(tl;dr: Was here almost 3 years ago. Left due to real life reasons. Came back to 2.0)

…and I guess that's all about me! Not exactly a new Scratcher, but I feel so out-of-date that I may as well be one!

(Also: Sorry if this isn't the right place to put an introduction, some forums are kinda ambiguous.)
500+ posts

Just found out about this place.

Well, I used to have a lot of projects now I only have 4

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