Discuss Scratch

2 posts

Why is My Picoboard not working?!!! ;(

Hello fellow scratchers. you probably know the picoboard and all. but i have a little dilemma. my picoboard works fine, which pretty much means i know it isnt broken because it has worked several times before. The Problem is that the plugin is not working and the plugin was installed correctly. if i can get a couple ideas ASAP, i will be able to finish my current game and work on many more pico games in the future.

(PS- everything about scratch works perfectly except the editor, and why may you ask that? IT IS SO DARN LAGGY!!! if anyone can help me find out how i can reduce lag a little, ill be happy about that too! )
39 posts

Why is My Picoboard not working?!!! ;(

idk *shrugs*

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