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1000+ posts

I need Command Ideas

Does anyone have some Command ideas for my Command Bot that I'm making???

Thanks in Advance!

Last edited by DotDash (July 17, 2013 14:48:27)

1000+ posts

I need Command Ideas

Firedrake969 once made a list OS, so you could go there for inspiration. In the meanwhile, I have to go do something, but afterwards I might come back with an idea.

With regards,

100+ posts

I need Command Ideas

ErnieParke wrote:

Firedrake969 once made a list OS, so you could go there for inspiration. In the meanwhile, I have to go do something, but afterwards I might come back with an idea.

With regards,


I've made one of those! Along with a couple other Os's.
1000+ posts

I need Command Ideas

DotDash wrote:

Does anyone have some Command ideas for my Command Bot that I'm making???

Thanks in Advance!
Okay, here are some idea!

1). /Time

When typed, it will give you the current time. You can go more specific by typing /minute, /second, or /year.

2). /Calculator

Just type in the operation, two numbers, and it will tell you the result.

3). /Document

Basically, there's a text document in a list. Once you bring it up with /Document, you can add more lines, replace lines, delete them, and save your document. Type /Document again to go out of editing your document.

4). /Joke

Just a joke. There should be a variety all stored in a list, so that you won't get bored from one alone.

I hope that you like my ideas!

With regards,

500+ posts

I need Command Ideas

Thanks for the reference.

Some of the indispensable commands I had were kill (exit) to kill/exit the program, reset/restart, and calculator. You may or may not want / or : in front of them.

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