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500+ posts

Upload sb3 files on forums


could be helpful for help with scripts or something if your working on a project but don't want to share it
could also be useful for collabs, but this isn't private messaging since everyone can see the file
forum-only also
idk just an idea that came to mind

is this a duplicate?
100+ posts

Upload sb3 files on forums

you know what i think?

we should be able to upload any file to the forums (ofc, within reason. no exes or viruses), not just sb3s. also sb2s, sb1s, pngs, jpgs, webps, ipas/ipsws, webms, mp3s, mp4s, wavs, oggs, apks, sprite3s, sprite2s, sprite1s, svgs, pdfs, exes, docxs, pmps, mcaddons, jpg_larges, jpegs, luas, pys, htmls, jss, csss, and the good ol txts. also quite a bit more too.

Last edited by cake__5 (Yesterday 14:26:56)

1000+ posts

Upload sb3 files on forums

cake__5 wrote:

you know what i think?

we should be able to upload any file to the forums (ofc, within reason. no exes or viruses), not just sb3s. also sb2s, sb1s, pngs, jpgs, webps, ipas/ipsws, webms, mp3s, mp4s, wavs, oggs, apks, sprite3s, sprite2s, sprite1s, and svgs.
That would be an incredible amount of work, especially considering the Scratch forums were built off of someone else's software. (DjangoBB)
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

9.5 Allow files to be uploaded into forum posts
The Scratch Team would have to pay for storage of these files, and they only have a limited amount of resources to do so. Storage space would be better allocated toward Scratch projects, anyway. There is also the issue of someone uploading a file that can potentially cause harm to someone's computer. Searching through these files would require significantly more moderation work, and there are not enough moderators able to do the job at the moment.
1 post

Upload sb3 files on forums

but the conways game of life forums did it perfectly and i think its also made on djangobb
100+ posts

Upload sb3 files on forums

cake__4 wrote:

but the conways game of life forums did it perfectly and i think its also made on djangobb
hey, good point cake__4! :DD
1000+ posts

Upload sb3 files on forums

cake__5 wrote:

cake__4 wrote:

but the conways game of life forums did it perfectly and i think its also made on djangobb
hey, good point cake__4! :DD
Why are you just replying to yourself??
Also, Scratch doesn't have to be exactly like other websites, and that doesn't mean Scratch can actually afford this,.

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