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100+ posts

The New Scratchers Directory!

Welcome to the first (and only) New Scratchers Directory!
Hey, Welcome to Scratch! If you are New to Scratch, and feel like you wanna get a little bit of attention, this is the place for you!
1. Please follow the Scratch Community Guidelines, you can find it here.
2. Also follow the Scratch Forum Discussion Rules, you can find it here.
3. If you want to be in this directory, please use the form.
4. Please be kind and friendly, any hate towards us will not be tolerated.
5. Please don't blockspam, be off-topic, advertise, spam, or troll in here.

Adding you to the directory Form:
About You:
A link to your profile or Forum topic:
Have you read the rules?:
Deleting you from the directory Form:
Why we should remove you from the directory:
Are you sure you want to be removed?:

No one has been in this directory… yet!
Thank you for joining Scratch, Scratch will and always be an awesome community, We can't wait what you will make in the future, fellow New Scratcher!
Scratch On!
1000+ posts

The New Scratchers Directory!

Sadly, you can't do this, I believe.
100+ posts

The New Scratchers Directory!

TheEpikGamer211 wrote:

Sadly, you can't do this, I believe.
um what
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

The New Scratchers Directory!

A directory here makes no sense as everybody starts off as a New Scratcher and then progresses to full Scratcher. It would essentially be just a list of users.

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